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Cataloguing Overview


Cataloguing priorities1XX | Main entry490/830 | Series
Choosing a catalogue recordPseudonymsSource of series title
New EntriesChoice of main entry between t.p. and t.p. verso500 | General notes
DuplicatesTransliterated namesOrder of notes
Pseudo-duplicatesUniform titles as main entryLocal notes
New/Added Editions245 | Title properCiting sources
Determining predominant formatAt head of title informationAdaptations
MARC Coding / Fixed FieldsPunctuation and special characters505 | Content notes
001 | Control number|n |p511 | Performers notes
003 | Control number identifierStatement of responsibility520 | Summary
020 | ISBN246 | Variant titles546 | Language
022 | ISSNVariant titles vs. analytics586 | Awards
024 | UPCParallel titles590 | Cataloguer's notes
028 | Manufacturer's numberAt head of title notes6XX | Subject & Genre headings
035 | Database control numberNumbers in titles7XX | Added entries
09X | Call numberVariant titles and editions730 | Uniform titles
Language in call number250 | Edition740 | Analytical title entries
Call number dates26X | Publication information76X-78X | Linking entries
Companion volumes3XX | Physical description856 | Electronic location and access
Enumeration for volumesPrint items with accompanying material949 |Tracings
  Original scripts/Linking 880 fields
  Shadowed items/titles


Cataloguing priorities

  • Library materials are catalogued and processed in order of date received with exceptions for Rush or other priority items.
  • Acquisitions Assistants designate titles as rush with a red flag (includes most directories, yearbooks, serials, titles having holds that exceed the established threshold, seasonal and topical titles likely to be in high demand). Cataloguers are not to check for number of holds.

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Choosing a catalogue record


New Entries

  • Search thoroughly by ISBN, UPC, Title and Author before creating a new bibliographic record.
  • If an item is completely new to our catalogue, catalogue it on a new record (unless it is a serial, in which case, catalogue it as part of the existing serial record if available).

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  • When cataloguing a duplicate item, update the existing record to current standards. When touching records where you do not have an item in hand, use discretion when updating.
  • A true duplicate comes from the same publisher and has the same date of publication (or copyright). Sometimes a publisher will release a work in one market with a different title from another market, e.g. published in Britain with one title and in the US with another but from the same publisher with the same copyright date. Less frequently, a publisher will change the title between printings of a work. Consider both these to be "true duplicates" and record the second title as a 246 note, e.g.

246 1 |i Some copies have title: |a …

  • A paperback version of a title catalogued from its hardcover edition ought to be noted by recording its ISBN. They are catalogued on a single record to enable fulfillment of customer holds.
  • If its title should vary, also record 246, e.g.

246 1 |i Pbk. copies have title: |a …

  • When adding an additional access point for a duplicate copy, the added entry must be justified by a note, e.g.

500  Some copies …

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  • A work of fiction or nonfiction which shares its title and has basically the same text, but which is published by different publishers can share the same bibliographic record for the ease of customers placing holds. The following examples should be on the same record:


  • The bibliographic record describes one publisher's work. All other publishers are indicated by including ISBNs for those other editions/versions, with brief information following the ISBN if necessary, e.g.:

  • A brief 500 note can also be added for clarification, e.g. 500 Editions may vary. But do not include bibliographical details about the other publishers' work in the body of the bibliographical record. As the above examples illustrate, the 500 note "Originally published: London : Michael Joseph, 2013" has been removed.


  • Additional series information may be added to the body of the record even if it appears on a different edition, e.g.

500  Some copies (Harper & Row) are in the True blue series.
490  True blue
830  True blue

  • In exceptional cases, pseudo-duplicates with variant titles (usually fiction) can be described on a single record to aid in satisfying holds, e.g.

100  Rowling, J. K.
245  Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone /|cJ.K. Rowling.
246 1\ |iCanadian and American eds. Have title:|aHarry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone

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New/Added Editions

  • If a work of the same title has been significantly revised, it is not a duplicate or a pseudo-duplicate; it is a new edition and requires its own bibliographic record.
  • Consider as new editions:
    • Titles with different illustrator(s)
    • Revised and expanded/anniversary/special edition where the content is substantively different
    • Extra large format i.e. "big books"
  • A work which shares its title and is the same edition even if from the same publisher may require a separate bibliographic record from other copies if it has significant other differences, e.g., if published with significant other explanatory material or illustrations.
  • A new introduction is not usually enough to require a separate bibliographical record.
  • If in doubt, create separate bibliographical records for copies with significant differences, particularly differences in title and authorship.
  • Create a new record if there are major differences in 3 areas of the bibliographic record.





  • Check the number of copies remaining on the existing title record; if few/none remain in the collection, update the existing record to reflect the item-in-hand rather than making a new record.
  • If a work of non-fiction comes out as a new edition, make a new record following the instructions above.
  • Do not update title records for previous edition(s); it is not necessary to have subject headings match between editions.
  • Do not recatalogue previous editions if the edition in hand is being classed in a different call number.
  • Guides to different editions of computer software are treated as new editions and require a separate record.

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Determining predominant format

  • Sometimes a book will come with an accompanying disc, or an A/V item will come with an accompanying book. Generally the decision will be determined by the packaging of the item. If a disc can be attached to the cover(s) of a book (i.e. in a pocket), the item will typically be catalogued as a book. If the item does not give the appearance of a book, e.g. a box, or the item will require in-house repackaging, consider the intent of the publisher as well as the intent when the item was ordered.
  • When required include e subfield in 300 field and make a 500 note.
  • Children's material consisting of a CD and book, where the content of the CD is the book's narrative being read aloud, are catalogued as CDs with an accompanying book (i.e., call number prefix = CD + Book), regardless of the publisher’s packaging. If the content of the the CD is supplementary to the book, catalogue the title as a book with accompanying CD. See also: Juvenile Sound Recordings, CD + Book Sets.
  • For cataloguing instructions for books accompanied by a CD, DVD or CD-ROM, see 3XX | Physical description.
  • For cataloguing instructions for CDs accompanied by bonus CDs, VCDs, DVDs, etc. see Sound Recordings, Accompanying material.
  • For multi-part language learning and literacy material, see Sound Recordings, Language Learning and Literacy Sets.

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MARC Coding / Fixed Fields

  • For codes used at EPL, see MARC Coding, Fixed Fields.
  • If optional but correct fixed field codes are used in derived records, leave as-is. If fixed field codes in derived records are not verified as being correct, consult EPL MARC Coding fixed fields.
  • Fixed fields in records from Library of Congress (040 |aDLC) or Library and Archives Canada (040 |aCaOONL) will be accepted as being correct without further checking, except for Enc_Lvl [change to “blank”= Full level, “MARC record created from information derived from an inspection of the physical item”] and Audience [e/d/j].

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001 | Control number

  • In original records add 001 field for the title control no. from Control tab, e.g.

001  a740902.

  • If an existing record is revisited, e.g. duplicates, it is not necessary to add a 001 field.

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003 | Control number identifier

  • In original records, or if 001 has been added by EPL to a bibliographic record, add 003 for EPL identifier, i.e. |aCaAE.
  • If an existing record is revisited, e.g. duplicates, it is not necessary to add a 003 field.

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020 | ISBN

  • For derived records enter the ISBN for the edition and imprint in hand in the first 020 field.
  • Include ISBNs for different bindings of the same edition.
  • Add ISBNs for duplicate materials (which vary slightly in publication information) and pseudo-duplicates to existing records. For multi-volume sets on a single record, include all ISBNs.
  • The price of an item is not required in a subfield c.
  • Pseudo-duplicates and ISBNs: The ISBNs for pseudo-duplicates are inserted in the first 020.
  • Format designation after 020 ISBN:
    • Hardcover books: For EPL purposes, no designation is required to indicate hardcover/hard bound format, i.e. when inputting an ISBN into a record, do not add a format designation if item in hand is hard bound – an ISBN without designation will be assumed to be for the hardcover edition. In derived records, if a designation has been added, do not delete it or change the form of the designation, e.g. (hard cover) (hdbk) (hbk.) (bound), etc.
    • Paperback books: For paperback books, a designation for the format should be added to the ISBN. When inputting an ISBN or adding the paperback designation, use the abbreviation (pbk.) which is the correct AACR form. Regard coilbound as pbk. In derived or vendor-supplied records, accept whatever form is given, e.g. (paperback), (soft cover), (pbk), (trade), (tpbk.), etc.

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022 | ISSN

  • Retain 022 in monograph records for travel guides only. See also Serials, 022.

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024 | UPC

  • Do not delete the 12-digit UPC code (1st indicator = 1; 2nd indicator = blank) if present in a derived or vendor-supplied record.
  • 024 is not required in records for print material, but should be entered when a UPC is present on the A/V material (sound recording, videorecording, game).
  • The UPC code should consist of 12 digits; do not record any hyphens or spaces occurring within the number.
  • With 9XX automated ordering, vendor supplied records may feature a 13-digit value in the 024; accept as-is; do not edit.
  • A single item may have 2 UPCs, e.g. a DVD with a reversible sleeve for English and French versions may have a UPC for each version -- record both.
  • The 024 field will be retained in an overlay process, so check that only the UPC matching the item-in-hand is retained; also check that there is only one occurrence of the correct UPC.

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028 | Manufacturers' numbers

  • The field 028 may only be used for music numbers (manufacturer's plate, publisher's numbers).
  • Numbers on car manuals, pet books, etc. should not be coded as 028 in original records. Accept as-is in derived and vendor-supplied records.

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035 | Database control number

  • For original cataloguing add: 035 (CaAE) [space] [title control number from Control tab]. Use copy and paste to add the title control number to the bibliographic record to avoid errors, e.g.

035  (CaAE) a123456

  • Records with an OCLC number added may have an 035 with a slightly different format, e.g.

035  (Sirsi) a123456

  • These two versions of the DBCN are equivalent.
  • In derived and vendor-supplied records, existing 035 field(s) are left as-is, with an “EPL” 035 inserted as the first occurrence, even if it largely duplicates existing 035 values, e.g.

035  (CaAE) o12345678
035  (OCoLC)12345678


Title Control Number

  • The Title control number given in the Control tab is recorded on the In process form by acquisitions staff and is also transferred to the 035 by cataloguing staff. It can be any one of the following types:
    • Auto-generated: a750985
    • DRA-based: ADB-5047
    • OCLC number-based: o406585250
      Note: Do not change OCLC Title control numbers to auto-generated. Records from Midwest come with these numbers and retaining these numbers will enable their system to search our database.
    • ISBN-based: i9780002008052
      Note: ISBN-based Title control numbers may be changed by the cataloguer to an auto-generated number, an LC-based number or an OCLC-based number.
    • LTS-supplied: g4587311
      Note: Records for World Language material.
    • ULS-supplied: (ULS) epl00936698
    • LSC-supplied: LSC123456.
    • MWT-supplied: MWT1104568

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09X | Call number

  • Use 092 for Dewey classification; use 099 for non-Dewey classification, e.g. fiction, music sound recordings, etc.
  • Multiple 09X call numbers can be used in EPL bibliographic records. E.g.: for catalogued paperbacks added to an existing title record, the paperback 099 call no. will be added as the 2nd occurrence, e.g.

099  GRE [call no. for existing items]
099  Fantasy G|vPBK [call no. for catalogued paperback items being added to title record]


09X Language in call number

  • Items having a predominant non-English language will have the LC form of the language name as part of call number, with the exception of adult popular and classical music sound recordings, e.g.

099 DVD German ABC
092 DVD Italian 123 ABC
099 CD JUV Spanish SONGS ABC
099 Swahili ABC

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09X Dates

  • Date is added to Dewey number after the cutter:
    • For travel guides classed in 914-919 (defined as a tourist guide to sites of interest, hotels, restaurants and/or cultural events, often including reviews, prices and/or hours of business). Do not add dates to an author’s travelogue, travel diary or blog, etc. Do not add dates to world travel guides in 910.202.
    • For automobile repair manuals for specific model years. For automobile repair manuals that have different years of coverage for different models, use full range of dates, e.g.

Model A: 1992-1996
Model B: 1989-1991
Label: 1989-96


Priority list for choosing date(s):

  • Date of coverage (i.e. chronological information given prominently on the item):

Fodor's Canada 1987 (date of publication - 1986).
Use 1987.

  • Date of copyright (use if no date of coverage available):

3rd ed. 1987 (date of publication), copyright 1986.
Use 1987.


Recording of dates:

  • Include a space between each element of the call number unless otherwise indicated.
  • For one year's coverage that overlaps years, record dates with a slash between, e.g.


  • For dates covering more than one year, record dates with a hyphen between, e.g.

1994-95 (covers both 1994 and 1995)
1990-93 (covers Oct. 1990-Mar. 1993)

  • When the choice of date is unclear, record in a 500 the label policy for a specific title, e.g.

500 |a Label with prominent date.

  • For labels and enumeration fields, dates that overlap centuries should have both dates written out in full, e.g.


  • Months/Seasons

A hyphen will be used to indicate that both months, etc. are completely covered in the publication (eg. Jan-Feb means that the publication covers Jan. 1-Feb. 28; Fall-Winter means that both Fall and Winter are included). A slash will indicate overlapping coverage, eg. Jan/Feb means that part of January and part of February are included, and one would expect the following issue to be Feb/Mar.; Fall/Winter is similar, and one would expect the next issue to be Winter/Spring. As it may not be possible to determine the pattern based on the first issue, we will use the hyphen when not sure (i.e. assume no overlap).

  • Roman numerals

Substitute arabic numerals for roman for volume numbers on spine labels, e.g.

Appendix III use Append. 3

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Companion volumes

  • Use an appropriate term (e.g. Index, Supp., Guide, Manual) to indicate relationship to a main or parent volume in the call number of a separately catalogued companion volume so that they sit together on the shelf.
  • The resulting call number of the companion volume will be comprised of the call number used for the main volume followed by the chosen term.
  • Note to cataloguers: Before the companion volume is catalogued, ensure that the library owns or has an on-order record for the parent volume. If the parent item is not on-order or already in the collection, assign a call number appropriate for the content.
Answer key
  • A physically separate companion volume (title may vary, e.g. Answer key, Solutions manual, etc.) that has the sole function of being an answer key, i.e. provides answers to questions posed in a parent volume and the two volumes cannot be used without the other, will be catalogued on the same bibliographic record as that of the parent volume and the two volumes will circulate as one physical item, either by packaging in a box or by physically binding the items together. If decision is made to catalogue items as a set, add note to record, e.g.

245  Student notes and problems workbook.|pMath…
300    v. :|bill. ;|c28 cm. +|eSolutions manual
590   Cataloguer’s note: Decision made to package Workbook and Solutions manual in one box.

Contents label:
2 books

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Enumeration data for volume entries

  • Arrange the call number information in order of increasing specificity for the individual volume (i.e. Dewey - Cutter - Year - Parts).
  • If a publication changes frequency, label as appropriate for each edition.
  • Do not judge the frequency by the presence of a hyphen or a slash on the book.
1988 v. 1
more than one volume per year
2004 pts. 1-2
more than one part per year
split year annual
2001 Spring-Summer
2001 Fall-Winter
biennial publication
semiannual publication
coverage (not frequency) indicated
  • Use the terminology found on the item if possible, e.g. t. for “tome” (French for volume)  or n. for “nivel”  (Spanish for Level). For exceptions, indicate in the record the actual designation used on the item, e.g.

500 |a Label "episodes" as "pts".

  • The following are lists of abbreviations:
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Other Designations
Appendix, Appendices
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
Do not abbreviate
New series
New ser.
Number or numbers
Volume or volumes
  • Examples of IP form call number:

123.4 ABC 2000 Spring-Summer
Indicates 2 complete seasons covered.

123.4 ABC 1999 Dec.-2000 Jan.
Indicates 2 complete months covered.

123.4 ABC 1980 - 1999
Indicates all twenty annual issues being catalogued

123.4 ABC v. 1 - v. 10
Indicates all ten volumes being catalogued

123.4 ABC 1999 v. 1

123.4 ABC 1999/2000
Indicates some of 1999 (e.g. 6 months) and some of 2000 (6 months) covered.

More than one issue published in a year

  • In years where 2 or more editions are published distinguish by adding month of publication if stated; if not, distinguish by adding A, B, etc. to year and include a 500 note to clarify the distinguishing features of A, B, etc. (eg. paging), e.g.

500  Two issues published in 1995 and labelled as 1995A (204 p.) and 1995B (255 p.).

  • If there is a continuing pattern of complexity, consider the usage of volume or other issue number, or, a prominent edition statement for enumeration rather than labeling by publication/copyright date, e.g.

123 ABC 21st ed. [published 2004]
123 ABC 22nd ed. [published 2004]
500  Label with edition ed. (starting with 20th ed.); there is no prominent date of publication and copyright year may be misleading (e.g. 2 editions copyrighted in one year, none in another).

  • If issues/volumes are not continuous, list all volumes separately on back of IP form.
  • Do not include commas between parts of the enumeration data.
  • Abbreviations used for magazine item entry vary from the examples listed above. Do not try to reconcile.

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  • Illustrated works by two or three authors, where the function of each is unknown or where illustrations are equally important to text and there is no indication of which part was created first, are regarded as collaborations. Enter under the first named person, e.g.

Lucky Luke

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  • Use pseudonyms for the main entry if presented on the item as the author. Fictitious characters, including animals, appearing in the chief source of information are included even if the actual author's name is unknown.

1. Enter under the name transcribed in the statement of responsibility. It is usually unnecessary to provide explanations about the statement of responsibility, e.g. when responsibility is fictitiously attributed to a person, animal, etc. ; instead, include important information in authority records.

Charm! : a novel / by Kendall Hart.
Main entry: Hart, Kendall
Authority identifies Hart as a soap opera character and pseudonym of ghost writer, Sebastian Stuart.

Naked heat / Richard Castle.
Main entry: Castle, Richard
Authority identifies Castle as a fictional character; treat as a pseudonym for the unknown ghost writer(s).

Let's pretend this never happened / by [Jim Benton as] Jamie Kelly.  [In the series: Jim Benton's tales from Mackerel Middle School]
Main entry: Kelly, Jamie
Authority identifies Kelly as fictitious author of this series.

The secret of the fairies / [text by] Thea Stilton ...
Main entry: Stilton, Thea; add
600 Stilton, Thea|vJuvenile fiction.
Authority identifies Stilton as a subject and fictitious author.

Cat of the century : a Mrs. Murphy mystery /Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown …
Main entry:  Brown, Rita Mae. Co-author is Brown, Sneaky Pie, 1982-
Authority identifies co-author as a female tiger cat, pet of Rita Mae Brown.

Destination murder : a Murder, she wrote mystery : a novel / by Jessica Fletcher & Donald Bain.
Main entry: Fletcher, Jessica. Co-author is Bain, Donald, 1935-; add
600 Fletcher, Jessica|vFiction.
Authority identifies Fletcher as a character in a TV series and "author" of mystery novels.

The big book of cakes / Betty Crocker.
Main entry: Crocker, Betty.
Authority identifies Crocker as a pseudonym for the anonymous team of writers employed by General Mills, Inc.

2. Enter under a name which can be supplied in a note "Attributed to ..." or preferably added to the statement of responsibility in square brackets without use of i.e.

The bride stripped bare : a novel / Anonymous ; with an afterword by the author [Nikki Gemmell].
Main entry: Gemmell, Nikki
Per RDA Works of uncertain origin. If sources indicate that one person is probably responsible for creating the work, use the authorized access point for that person.

Titles catalogued prior to adoption of this policy (Oct. 31, 2014) re: pseudonymous authors should not be recatalogued to add new copies or to conform to this change.

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Choice of main entry when title page has a statement of responsibility and title page verso (or colophon) lists name of writer/author of text/editor

  • Ignore information on title page verso (or colophon) if there is a statement of responsibility on the title page.
  • If the statement of responsibility on the title page lists a corporate body followed by an editor, a writer, a photographer and/or an illustrator, the main entry is given to the writer. If the title page doesn't include a statement of responsibility, go to the title page verso (or colophon) and enclose any information taken from these areas in square brackets, e.g.

(information taken from colophon)
245 /|c [created and designed by the staff of Ortho Books ; writer, Ron Lutsko].
Main entry is Lutsko and added entry is Ortho Books.

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1XX, 6XX, 7XX Transliterated names

  • Publishers may use transliterations which do not match authority records, e.g.

099 \\  $aChinese KIN
100 1\  $aKing, Stephen,|d1947-
245 10 $aBinshi xian sheng /$cShidifen Jin ; Ke Naiyu yi.

092  \\$aJapanese 330.0112 KRU
100  1\$aKrugman, Paul R.
245  10$a2020-nen  sekai keizai no shōsha to haisha /$cPōru Kuruguman, Hamada Kōichi

  • It is important to be aware that multiple transliterations are possible. In the past when our non-Roman alphabet collection was less extensive, we might treat different forms of name as different identities. For example, Jang Nara is a Korean singer and actress; when she performs in Chinese, she uses a Chinese name (pinyin: Zhāng Nà Lā). Two authorities identify her: Chang, Na-ra (LC authority for her Korean name) & Jang, Na-ra (local authority for her Chinese name), e.g.

099 \\   $aCD POP CHA
100 1\   $aChang, Na-ra. (Korean singer LC authority)
245 10  $aDream of Asia /$cJang Nara.

099  \\  $aCD POP JAN (EPL local with references for IMDB birth name Nara Jang)
100 1\  $aJang, Na-ra,|d1981-
245 10 $aDream of Asia /$cJjangnara. (Taiwan imprint)

  • This practice is OBSOLETE. Use only one authorized form of name no matter what language is used in the work or what form is used by individual publishers.
  • Today we realize, especially for works in translation, that the form of name authorized may not match the form of name recorded in the record's description. We accept the national agency form of name, unless it can be determined that it is in error, in which case, a cataloguing librarian will inform the national agency; a temporary local authority might be made awaiting the correction from the national agency.
  • If there is a discrepancy that impacts the cutter, add a 500 note to the appropriate bibliographic record including the standardized form of authority, stating that the "author's name is transliterated by libraries as [name]." This is to signify that the name has been reviewed and that this isn't a typo, e.g. Max Frei vs Maksim Frai, cutter FRE vs FRA

  • Cutter for the authorized form of name and make a note indicating that we are aware of a significant difference between the form transcribed and the authorized form.
    • Shen, Zhichong (transcribed as Tham Chi Xung in Vietnamese)
    • Tao, Guoliang (transcribed as Dao Quoc Luong in Vietnamese)
    • Pretrovic, Svetlana (transcribed as Siweitelanna Bideluoweiqi in Chinese)
    • Hardy, Vincent (transcribed as Wensente Adi  in Chinese) 
    • Anvar, Shahid (transcribed as Shahid Anwar in Urdu)
    • Bandyopadhyaya, Bibhutibhushana (transcribed as Vibhutibhushana Vandyopadhyaya in Hindi)
    • Rao, Sandhya (transcribed as Sandhya Rava In Hindi)                                                                    
    • Thompson, Laurie Ann (transcribed as Rori An Tonpuson in Japanese)
    • Agus, David (transcribed as Deibiddo Eigasu in Japanese)                           
    • Pinder, Eric (transcribed as Eriku Painda in Japanese)
    • Meyer, Stephenie (transcribed as Sutefani Meiya in Japanese)
    • Warren, Robert Penn (transcribed as Rabārṭa Pena Uẏārena in Bengali)
    • King, Stephen (transcribed as Shidifen Jin in Chinese)

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130 Uniform title as main entry

  • Use for scripture or sacred books, e.g.

The Bible, the Koran, Torah, Buddhist texts.

  • Do not use a uniform title main entry for anonymous classics, fairy tales, legends, etc. Instead, use a title main entry and a uniform title added entry (if the uniform title varies significantly from the title page), e.g.

Title page reads:
The collected Mother Goose.
Main entry under title, with title added entry:
730 0  Mother Goose.

  • If, however, the title page form will not file in a significantly different way, do not make the uniform title added entry, e.g.

Title page reads:
Mother Goose's collected stories.
Main entry under title, no added entry needed.

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245 | Title proper


At head of title information

  • The title proper consists of "the chief name of a resource (i.e., the title normally used when citing the resource). An alternative title is treated as part of the title proper" (RDA It does not include: parallel titles proper; other title information; or parallel other title information (RDA Consider the presentation, differences in typography, etc. If in doubt, give the longer form as the title proper and give a title added entry (246) for the shorter form. If information is grammatically connected by a possessive, consider it to be part of the title. To introduce variant titles prefer the use of:
  • 500 At head of title note and a 246 field combining that information with the title proper (245), e.g. Title on item: Disney presents Sleeping Beauty [the words Disney presents in small font], e.g.

245 00 Sleeping Beauty
246 3   Disney presents Sleeping Beauty
500 \\ At head of title: Disney presents.

  • OR, the use of a 246 field alone for stand-alone information requiring title access, e.g.

Title on item: Black Dog Records present [rappers] SiSi and SoSo
The longest night

245 14 The longest night
246 1   |iAt head of title:|aBlack Dog Records present SiSi and SoSo
500  not required

  • OR, the use of a 500 note alone where title access for the information is not required:

Title on item: A 2008 special presentation
                      White Swan

245 00  White swan
500        At head of title: A 2008 special presentation.

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Punctuation and special characters

  • Punctuation marks at the beginning of a title may be used as needed to accurately transcribe the title as it appears (i.e. meaning or title will remain the same), e.g.

'Round about midnight ; USE Round about midnight
“S” is for silence ; USE S is for silence
¡Tiburones fabulosos! [Spanish titles use an exclamation/question mark (inverted) at the beginning of a title as well as at the end of a title]

  • When possible, transcribe symbols ($, @, *, +, etc.) appearing within a title as given, supply the spelled-out form in 246(s), e.g.

245 14 The $300 man
246 3\ 300 dollar man
246 3\ Three hundred dollar man
[Searching: To avoid response “Query not supported” in Workflows, do not search using the symbol (“$” in above example), search “300 man”; search similarly in BiblioCommons as most symbols are invisible for searching purposes]

  • If the symbol cannot be transcribed as is, e.g. heart shape, enclose the spelled out form in square brackets in the 245, with explanation given as a 500 note, e.g.

245 00 I [heart] Huckabees |h[videorecording]
246 1\ |iAlso known as:|aI love Huckabees |h[videorecording]
500      The word [heart] in title is represented by a heart symbol.

  • When a title is completely composed of symbols (resulting in an impossible search query as the 245 would be read as blank), supply a spelled-out title in the 245 with the actual title given in the 246 field as this will allow the title to appear on a title hitlist, e.g.

245 10 Four stars|h[sound recording]
246 1   |iTitle on label:|a****|h[sound recording]

  • Refer to MARC 21 245/830 for 2nd indicator to be used for non-filing characters appearing with an article beginning a title or series title. Diacritical marks or special characters at the beginning of a title field that does not begin with an initial article are not counted as non-filing characters.

  Tha – follow LC practice of treating the rap word “tha” as “the” when it is the first word of the title, e.g.

245 14 Tha smokin’ nephew
[no 246 required]

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Parallel titles

  • Record parallel titles if in English or other Roman alphabet languages in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the titles on the source or sources of information [per RDA], e.g.

245 00  Strength, commitment, energy = |b Force, resolution, energie.

  • Make/accept 246 for parallel title in English only; do not make additional 246's for other variants (except in videorecording cataloguing).
  • Accept existing parallel titles for duplicates.
  • If in non-Roman alphabets, add a note:

500  Parallel title in Chinese [Cyrillic, Arabic, etc.] character [script, etc.]. See World Languages

  • For works which have title pages/labels/substitute chief sources of information for each parallel title, note the existence of separate sources:

546  Text in English and French on inverted pages.

  • If no one title page applies to the whole work, use a part of the work which supplies the most complete information:

245 10 English title / |c English author = French title / French author.
500      Title from cover.

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245 subfields n and p

  • Titles with a collective title and a part title (with or without numbering) are generally catalogued individually, with $a $n and $p in the 245 field.
  • $n for the number of part/section of a work - $n follows a period (.) unless the last work in the preceding field is an abbreviation, initital/letter or ends with final puncutation
  • $p for the name of part/secion of a work - $p follows a period (.) when it is preceded by subfield $a, $b or another $p ; $p follows a comma (,) when it follows subfield $n
  • Do not abbreviate words; per RDA record what you see, e.g.

245  Slam dunk.$nVol. 3,$pThe challenge of the common shot
245  Slam dunk.$nV. 4,$pThe challenge of the common shot
245  Slam dunk.$nVolume 5,$pThe challenge of the common shot
500  "Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha, volume 20".

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245 subfield c Statement of responsibility

  • Transcribe an authorship statement (or composition/performance statement for sound recordings) exactly as it appears on the source of information [RDA].

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246 | Variant titles

  • Make title added entries (246) for spine or cover titles, running title, container title, etc., if they vary significantly within the first five words from the title page form. Minor variances in titles which are important for identification purposes can be noted in a 500 note.
  • Make 246s for “&” (ampersand) spelled out in any language; make two 246s when “+” [plus sign] appears in title, one with “and”, also one with “plus”.
  • In addition, make title added entries (246) for portions of the title which might be taken as the title proper.

245 10  How they live in Turkey.
246 30  Turkey
(Turkey prominent on title page.)

  • Make a title added entry (246) when the title proper begins with a name in possessive form.

245 10  Rudyard Kipling's Jungle book.
246 30  Jungle book

  • Do not make a title added entry to spell out an abbreviation appearing in a title which is normally abbreviated in common usage, e.g.

Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms., rock ‘n’ roll

  • There is no limit to the number of 246's which may be made.
  • For unit entries, use 740 for titles other than the first.

245  Pure and untouched ; |b and, Love at the helm.
740  Love at the helm.

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Variant titles vs Analytics (740s)

  • Title added entries (246) are made for variant forms of title(s) of complete item(s) referred to in the 300 |a, including supplements, etc. which are catalogued on the same bibliographic record.
  • Analytics (740s) refer to parts of material included in the 300 |a. Also use 740 not 246 for accompanying material referred to in the 300 subfield e; e.g. for audio visual box sets, record accompanying book title (if required) in a 500 note, and trace as 740,

500  Title on accompanying book: Heidi's book.
740  Heidi's book |h [sound recording].

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At head of title notes

  • Use when a word or phrase preceding a title is not part of a title, a statement of responsibility, a series or of any other information appearing in another field [RDA]; and, if said phrase is not grammatically connected (by a possessive) to the title.
  • If a logo which cannot be transcribed (e.g. for World Wrestling Entertainment) precedes a title, make a 500 note, if access through a 246 needs explanation, e.g.

245  Backlash 2009
246  WWE backlash 2009
500  At head of title: logo for World Wrestling Entertainment.

  • At head of title information should be coded in 246 in preference to 730, e.g.

245  Quilting.
246  Good housekeeping quilting
500  At head of title: Good housekeeping

  • Use 730 for implied authorship, which does not appear at head of title, e.g.

245  . . . / |c by the editors of Sunset magazine.
730  Sunset magazine.

  • Title-like data at head of title that is not logically connected to the actual title may be coded separately in a 246, e.g.

245     The Canadian opportunities strategy
246 1  |iAt head of title: |a Budget 1998, building Canada for the 21st century
[No 500 note, but if data is to be connected to the 245 |a information in a 246, use the regular pattern of 500 At head of title and a 246. See also 245 Title proper]

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Numerals/Numbers in titles

  • Adding title added entries when numbers appear in titles is discretionary. Consider the distinctiveness of the title, and how far into the title the number is. Limit this to numbers in the title proper (|a, |n, |p). Do not make 246 for number in numerals when title has number spelled out in words. Numbers written out as words are to be in the same language as the title. Do not include the word "and" in written out numbers; except for the numbers 101 and 1001. For these, make two 246s:

246  One hundred and one …
246  One hundred one …

  • And similarly for 1001. Do not make the 246 with "and" for any other number spelled out.
  • Make 246s for variant number forms when a Roman numeral is used in the title, e.g.

245 04  The land before time.|nVolume VI,|p …
246 3\   Land before time.|nVolume 6,|p…
246 3\   Land before time.|nVolume six,|p…

  • For computer program versions, do not create an added title entry to spell out the number, e.g.

245 00 Norton Utilities 4.0
(246 not required)


Dates in title: numbers vs. written out as words.

  • When a single year appears in 245 in words, make a 246 with the year given as numerals, e.g.

245  Nineteen eighty-four.
246  1984

  • But do not make 246 with date written out in words when the year is given as numerals, e.g.

245  '95 rock hits
(246 not required)

245  Grammy nominees 2000
(246 not required)

  • Exception: When the date refers to a decade or a century do write out in a 246, e.g.

245  60s pop hits
246  Sixties pop hits

245  21st century highlights
246  Twenty-first century highlights

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Variant titles and editions

  • Variant titles for English language market British/American/Canadian books: Add the variant title found on a British edition to the bibliographical record for an American edition (and vice-versa) in a 246 note, e.g.

246 1\ |i British ed has title: |a …

  • Provide this access point for books which do not qualify as pseudo-duplicates (and are catalogued on separate bibliographical records) and only if the information appears on the item in hand or if public service staff have notified us of the variant title, or we learn the information otherwise.

245 10 |aLove by the book /|cMelissa Pimentel.
246 1\ |iGreat Britain edition has title:|aAge, sex, location.

  • Variant titles for earlier/later printings of a single work: Add the variant titles in a 246 note, e.g.

246 1\ |i Previously published as:|a I’m not supposed to be here
246 1\ |i Later published as:|a Get me out of here

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250 | Edition

  • Record the edition information for the edition "in hand" only, e.g.

250  3rd English ed.
[Do not list 5th German ed., etc.]

  • Generally take edition statements from AACR prescribed sources; look further for edition statements only if warranted.
  • For original cataloguing, EPL will generally not record “1st ed.” but do record all other edition statements.
  • Delete edition information that cannot be found on the item from a derived record. Further research/checking should generally not be done, but if verified, leave edition information in record but enclose in square brackets.

Bilingual titles

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26X | Publication information


  • Generally record only the first named place when a single publisher is involved.
  • When place of publication is unknown, record "[Place of publication not identified]" (RDA
  • For abbreviations for states/provinces, see State abbreviations.


  • Record what appears on the source of information, including words or phrases indicating the function (other than sole publishing) performed by a person, family, or corporate body (RDA 2.8.4), e.g. 

William Morris an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
Sage Publications on behalf of McGill University

  • When name of publisher is unknown, record "[publisher not identified]" (RDA
  • Supplied dates: When supplying a date that is not found on the item indicate that the date was taken from a source outside the resource itself [RDA 1.9.2]

[1998 or 1999]
[between 1995 and 1999?]

  • If date of publication is not identified, supply the approximate date of publication (RDA

F.F. Date1: 2008
264 |c[2008?]

DO NOT USE; BiblioCommons developed a glitch reported in mid-2014 in its brief display
e.g. (Book/Magazine, etc.--2008-> ); substitute [2008-] if noticed.
F.F. Date1: 2008              Date2: 9999
264 |c<2008-    >
500 Description based on: 2008.
Backstage Library Works introduced another glitch in early 2014 when 260 fields were read as 264.
264 |c<c2008-   > when transformed became
264 1 |c,<[2008-]> and 264 4 |c©2009
BiblioCommons is able to read 264 1 although the actual coding is incorrect/meaningless when read in WorkFlows.

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3XX | Physical description


Print items with accompanying material

  • Folded maps, plans, etc. which are attached to the item by binding, tape, etc. are noted only in the 300 |b. Do not provide extra information in the 300 |e; do not provide a Contents label; do not provide a 500 note unless required for clarity, e.g.

300  |b col. ill., maps (1 folded)
500  Folded map attached, 2006-

  • Folded maps, plans, etc. which are not attached to the item, i.e., loose from the publisher [EPL usually provides a pocket], or in a publisher's pocket, are noted in the 300 |e with a corresponding 500 note if necessary. Accompanying print material is described as: Sheet (usually large folded sheet(s) which cannot be identified by another term, e.g. Geological Survey of Canada items, booklet (48 p. or less), book (49 + p.), map or other appropriate description. A Contents label is provided, e.g.

300  |b ill., col. maps ; |c ___ + |e 1 folded map.
500  Folded map in pocket.

Contents label:
1 book
1 map

Single use accompanying items

500  Access to the “online lesson support system” not supported by EPL; member number removed from library copies. [Books]
500  Game disc (disc 3) not supported by EPL and removed from library copies. [Videogames]
500  Accompanying CDs not supported by EPL since May 2006 and are removed from library copies. [Magazines]
500  Digital copy discarded from library copies. [Videorecordings]

  • The contents label note must match information noted in the record, usually in the 300 |e field.
  • Accompanying material that provides for single use only will be discarded from library copies, e.g. CD-ROM, Internet code; add a 500 note to the record indicating removal of the material, note may also indicate that such access is not supported by EPL.
  • If a trial online subscription is indicated, the material is automatically discarded or covered at the time of final processing and it is not necessary to make a 500 note; but do make a note if it is not obviously a trial subscription.

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  • An item is considered oversize when it exceeds the following dimensions:
    • Books: over 30 cm in height [exceptions: juvenile books with E classification; music scores; graphic novels and World Language Collection items]
    • Music CDs: over 13 cm in height or over 17 cm wide [exception: Readalong / CD + Book]
    • Audio books: over 19 cm in height or over 18 cm wide [exceptions: English Language Learning and Easy Reading material with literacy labels, e.g. , are NOT oversize]
    • DVDs: over 22 cm in height or over 14 cm wide.

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490/830 | Series

  • Transcribe series in 490/830; follow instructions given in MARC 21, e.g.

490 1\  The new zoo ;|vno.1
830 \0  New zoo ;|vno.1.

  • Use appropriate subfields in 830
    • $n for the number of part/section of a work - $n follows a period (.) unless the last work in the preceding field is an abbreviation, initial/letter or ends with final punctuation
    • $p for the name of part/sect ion of a work - $p follows a period (.) when it is preceded by subfield $a, $b or another $p ; $p follows a comma (,) when it follows subfield $n

490 1\  Oxford bookworms. Green series. Stage 4
830 \0  Oxford bookworms.$pGreen series.$nStage 4.

830 \0  Step into reading.$nStep 1,$pReady to read.

  • Initial articles are not needed in 830; if used, set the second indicator (filing characters) correctly.

Source of series title

  • Record series title proper, from the series title page, another source within the resource, then from an external source (RDA
  • In field 490, transcribe what you see, recording the number of the resource within the series as it appears, e.g.
490 1  The twenty-sixth L. Ray Buckendale lecture
490 1  The tattooed witch trilogy ;|vbook 2
  • Series title information may be rearranged and numbering abbreviations used in field 830.
  • Parallel titles are not considered part of an RDA core description. A parallel series title in another language from the series proper may be chosen from anywhere within the resource, e.g.

490 1  Mercury series = Collection Mercure (for an English language collection)

  • Although uncommon, record an alternative title proper of series as part of the title proper of series, e.g.

490 1  Oxford owl, or Good reads for boys

  • If the title proper of the series includes numbering as an integral part of the title, transcribe the numbering as part of the title proper of the series.
  • If in doubt as to whether variant forms of a series title refer to the same series, use multiple 490s. In a possible |a |p situation where the two elements are physically separated, make multiple 490s, e.g.

490  Music of the world (at top of container)
490  Music of East Asia (at bottom of container)

  • Generic series, i.e. Publications, Bulletins, Reports, etc. can be recorded in field 500 if it is necessary to note the issuing body, e.g.

500  Occasional paper 10 from the Department of Agriculture
[Add 710 for author of series. The note is used to justify the added entry.]

  • For series numbers that appear with the symbol: # (hatch mark); record symbol as it appears, e.g.

490  Fear Street sagas ; |v #2

  • When parallel series titles appear on an item, record the series title in the English form as the first title with the non-English form following regardless of order of appearance on the item. If there is no English series title, record the series title in the order given.
  • It is not necessary to include |xISSN in series statement
  • Exception: DK eyewitness travel guides [various series titles] |x[ISSN] (items published by DK Publishing all have ISSN listed on T.p. verso which is not the ISSN for the title, but is the ISSN for the series) in both 490 and 830.
  • Publishers’ category descriptors (often found on the spine or back cover), e.g. “Brava paranormal romance”, are not to be treated as series, but may be recorded as quoted notes.
North of 52 Collection 
  • For items in the North of 52 Collection, add a 490/830 series statement, e.g.
    • 490 1\ $aNorth of 52 Collection 
    • 830 \0 $aNorth of 52 Collection. 

490/830 Indigenous Collection

EPL’s Indigenous Collection is intended to reflect the cultures, traditions, and contemporary life of Indigenous peoples; support Indigenous language retention; and promote Indigenous authors, artists and musicians. It supports all customers who wish to gain a better appreciation of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit histories and cultures, and who want to learn more about our shared history in Canada. The characteristics of included material are outlined below:

- Materials from across Canada, with a particular focus on the Prairies, West Coast and Northwestern United States, covering First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples of Canada.
- Fictional works include those written by self-identified Indigenous authors as well as those with substantial Indigenous content.
- Nonfiction works include those addressing contemporary life/culture in Indigenous communities; residential schools; missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and Two-spirit people; traditional knowledge and spirituality, education, history, language, politics, health, arts, legends, poetry, legal issues, self-determination; and biographies and memoirs. As with works of fiction, nonfiction works include those written by self-identified Indigenous authors as well as those with substantial Indigenous content.
- Musical works by Indigenous artists, regardless of the style of music, also receive this designation.

For all titles deemed to have content featuring Indigenous culture and history as described above, including print and non-print formats, except board books, due to their small size.

  • 490 1\ $aIndigenous Collection 
  • 830 \0 $aIndigenous Collection.

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500 | General notes


Order of notes

  • It is not necessary to re-order the general 500 notes in derived or vendor-supplied records.
  • EPL periodical holdings statement.
  • Source of title proper note [RDA], e.g.
500  Title from cover.
500  Caption title. 
500  Title devised by cataloguer.
500  Title from colophon.
  • Give other 500 notes in the order of the corresponding data from the bibliographic record, e.g.

Title information not provided for in a 246, e.g.
500  Subtitle lacking, 2008-

Authorship, e.g.
500  Libretto by the composer.

Edition information, e.g.
500  Some copies are Limited ed.

Publishing information, e.g.
500  Co-published by CBC.

Date information, e.g.
500  Originally released in 1962.

Physical description, e.g.
500  Map on endpapers.

Accompanying material, e.g.
500  CD in pocket.

Series, e.g.
500  Some copies (p2002) in the Classic recordings series.

Contents, e.g.
500  “Enhanced CD”—Container verso.
500  Includes bonus material.

Labelling information, e.g.
500  Label as call number plus year.

  • All other 5XX notes in MARC numerical coding, i.e. 501-599.

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Local notes

  • Local notes pertain to copies held in EPL, or to notes pertaining to local practices.

500  One copy autographed by the author.
500  Paperback published 1984.
500  100 great books to read together, 2010.
500  100 more great books to read together, 2013.
500  Awesome starts here: 100 stories to experience before high school, 2013.

  • Include a note for items that contain single use digital access codes (e.g. access to online audio download, online game, etc.). These are not appropriate in a multi-user environment.

500  Access code to online practice problems removed from library copies.
500  Single-use code for access to digital copy discarded from library copies.
500  Access code for single download of sound recording is not available with library copies.

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Citing sources

  • When data is taken from a source outside the item, make a note identifying the data and the source, e.g.

500  Original film released in 1955 according to
500  Originally broadcast in October 2005 as noted on the PBS website.

  • For example, for the feature film Forever enthralled directed by Kaige Chen, square bracketing the director’s name confirms that the name was not found on the chief source of information; a note clarifies the source, e.g.

500  Director credits from IMDb.

  • URLs (Internet addresses) are often volatile and should not be cited as the source unless they are the quickest and clearest way to cite a source. Instead use the name of the website owner (or a URL with capitalization to clarify the name cited), e.g.

Loose Cannon Studios’ website (NOT
or (NOT
or The author’s website (NOT

  • If citing a website that is well known, its URL is unnecessary, e.g.

US Copyright Office’s website (NOT
or Hastings School of Law’s website (NOT
or Digital Darkroom’s website (NOT

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Adaptations note

  • Note information about works adapted if readily available, e.g.

500  Based on the story by Carlo Collodi.
500  Based on the TV program, Ile d'enfants.
500  Based on the book by …


Index note

  • Accept fixed fields value in derived records if correct; in original records it is acceptable to code fixed field Index with a fill character and not provide 500 Index note.

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505 | Content notes

  • Accept 505 in derived records, with or without Enhanced coding (use 2nd indicator 0) with minimal checking; delete if obviously incorrect.
Format designation
  • Because the print constant (as set by the indicators) appears as the first word of the 505 note in the public catalogue, use lower-case for the format designation if used, e.g.

505 0   v. 1. The best  --  v. 2. The worse.
505 1   disc 1. Early years [no final punctuation if incomplete contents; indicators 1 blank]

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511 | Performers notes

  • EPL does not use field 508; use 511 for all participants, performers and other persons or organizations who have participated in the creation/production of a work.

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520 | Summary

  • Accept 520 from derived records with minimal checking; delete if obviously incorrect.
  • For non-English books, a 520 summary in derived records that is not in English, but in the language of the text can be accepted as is; it is not necessary to provide a copied 520 English summary from another source, e.g. English edition of the book.

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546 | Language

  • Use when necessary for clarification or keyword access, e.g.

fixed field language: spa
546  Sung chiefly in Spanish.

fixed field language: eng
546  Performed in English with some French.

fixed field language: per
546  Sung in Farsi [i.e. Persian].
Note: Use Persian for Farsi (as per LCSH).

fixed field language: mul
546  Sung in English, French, German and Spanish.

  • A 546 note is not necessary when the fixed field Lang is completed with fill characters (|||) [no attempt is made to determine language; most commonly used in sound recordings].
  • Bilingual material: Include a 546 in both adult and juvenile books which have two languages, e.g.

546  Text in English and Korean

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586 | Awards

  • Use to record awards won, but not for nominations. Do not trace in a 730. For juvenile books, see Print Materials (Juvenile)
  • For winners of the Governor General’s Literary Awards include a note in the form:

586  Winner, Governor General’s Literary Awards, English fiction, [date]

  • For winners of the Giller prize, include a note in the form:

586  Winner, Giller Prize, [date]
586  Winner, Scotiabank Giller Prize, [date]

  • Note: Award called Giller Prize from 1994-2004, then became Scotiabank Giller Prize in 2005.

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590 | Cataloguer's notes

  • Notes referring to classification, processing, etc. that have to be recorded in the bibliographic record must be prefaced with the words: Cataloguers note, e.g.

590  Cataloguer's note: Classify in POP OL/Kor not SOU/M.

  • Make 590 for supplementary material not recorded in 300. [Jan. 2010], e.g.

590  Cataloguer’s note: Supplementary material in pocket not recorded; no contents label provided.

  • Make 590 for accompanying material being discarded that affects the processing of the item only; prefer a 500 note if the information is of importance to the public, e.g.

590  Cataloguer’s note: Poster discarded.
500  3D glasses discarded from library copies.

  • To avoid problems with recataloguing for those titles which do not agree with EPL rules, usually because a service point has requested a variation, add a 590 note in the bibliographic record, e.g.

590  Cataloguer's note: Classify POP OL/Kor not SOU/M.

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6XX | Subject headings

  • Delete Canadian, Medical or other subject headings that are not valid LC subject headings having a 2nd indicator of 0.
  • For information on Subject & Genre/Form headings, see section Subject & Genre/Form Headings.

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7XX | Added entries

  • Transcribe information on persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with a work from statements appearing on the preferred sources of information in resources embodying the work (RDA 19.1.1) or, if necessary, from external sources. There are preferred sources for different kinds of resources (RDA 2.2.2); only if an external source is used, indicate the source of the information by means of a note OR by use of square brackets.
  • Provide an added entry for a co-creator, translator, contributor or other person, family or corporate body associated with a resource.
  • RDA does not limit the number of entries which can be provided. If the option to omit any but the first group in a statement of responsibility (which otherwise names more than 3 persons, families or corporate bodies performing the same function) is used (RDA only provide entries for names which are actually transcribed in the statement of responsibility, e.g.
Roger Colbourne [and six others] only trace Colbourne, Roger
par Isabel Nanton avec Nancy Flight [et trois autres] only trace Nanton, Isabel and Flight, Nancy
  • If a personal name appears within a title, trace that individual, e.g.

Babyface presents ...
700 0  Babyface

  • Do provide an added entry for a person in the statement of responsibility even if it becomes known that the name is a pseudonymous identity for the creator who is also traced, e.g.

The Dumb Bunnies Easter / story by Sue Denim ; pictures by Dav Pilkey.
100 1 Denim, Sue,|d1966-
700 1 Pilkey, Dav,|1966-

Oedipus Tex & other choral calamities [sound recording] / by P.D. Bach, with information on container verso “conducted by Professor Peter Schickele”
100 1 Bach, P. D. Q.
511  … Professor Peter Schickele, conductor.
700 1 Schickele, Peter

The big cat nap / Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown.
100 1  Brown, Rita Mae.
700 1  Brown, Sneaky Pie,|d1982-
  • Make added entries for editors only when their contributions are significant or when the main entry is a title main entry.
  • Make added entries for illustrators and photographers of juvenile and adult materials, unless responsible for the cover art only.
  • For graphic format books, see Graphic novels.
  • To provide access to a comic strip's creator and/or title in the description of collection strips (or films based on strips, etc.), provide and author-title added entry, e.g.,

245 Be my valentine, Charlie Brown|h[videorecording]
500 Written and created by Charles M. Schulz; based on characters created for the comic strip Peanuts.
700 Schulz, Charles M.|q(Charles Monroe),|d1922-2000.|tPeanuts

  • Do not use strip titles in the form 730 Ziggy (Comic strip) or Garfield (Comic strip), etc.; comic strips are not anonymous works.
  • An author-title added entry is uncessary for records where the strip's title is otherwise available, e.g.

100 Katschke, Judy.
245 It's a home run, Charlie Brown! /|cbased on the comic strips by Charles M. Schulz ; adapted by Judy Katschke
246 30 Peanuts.|pIt’s a home run, Charlie Brown!
500 At head of title: Peanuts.
700 Schulz, Charles M.|q(Charles Monroe),|d1922-2000.

100 Hergé,|d1907-1983.
245 The blue lotus /|cHergé
490 The adventures of Tintin
830 The adventures of Tintin (instead of 700 Herge,|d1907-1983.|tAventures de Tintin)

100 Peirce, Lincoln
245 Big Nate.|pSay good-bye to dork city /|cby Lincoln Peirce
500 “These [Big Nate] strips appeared in newspapers …”--Colophon

100 Schulz, Charles M.|q(Charles Monroe,|d1922-2000.
245 The complete Peanuts :|b1950 to 1952
246 30 Peanuts :|b1950 to 1952

  • The name of a publisher often provides a good access point especially for those items having no other personal or corporate access and for reference materials; if in doubt, make an added entry for the publisher. If a publisher of a serial is given an added entry and that publisher’s name changes, a new access point must be provided (along with the appropriate justification note) to reflect this change.
  • For collections of works by different authors, follow RDA Make author analytical entries for significant works contained only. Do not repeat main entry. Make title authorized access points only for significant works contained.
  • When cataloguing translated works, do not make author or title added entries for the original work regardless of its language.
  • Only make an added entry for performer(s) on an accompanying item, e.g. CD, if the performer is extremely prominent on the CD label, e.g.

511  Music on disc performed by …
710  (Performing group)

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730 | Uniform titles

  • Do not use GMDs in 730 fields.
  • Do not add |l (pipe l) to uniform title headings (exceptions: sacred works and classical music). See Name Authority procedures, Uniform titles.
  • Used for added title entries without authors. Must be validated. Used for radio and television programs, title of films, anonymous works like the Bible, some fairy tales and serial titles. Also in Juvenile, used for names of special awards, i.e., Caldecott, Newbery, Canada Council, etc., e.g.

245  55 short stories from the New Yorker.
730  New Yorker.

130  Bible. O.T. Psalms, etc.
245  Psalms and Proverbs.
730  Bible. O.T. Proverbs, etc.

245  Smoky night
586  Caldecott Medal, 1995.
730  Caldecott medal book, |f 1995.

  • Do not create a 730 for an added entry which duplicates the beginning of a 245 or 246, e.g.

245  Sunset guide to garages and toolsheds / |c by the editors of Sunset.
Do not use 730  Sunset.

245  ABC's of the human mind.
246 |i Cover title: |a Reader's Digest ABC's of the human mind.
Do not use 730  Reader's Digest.

  • Do not create a 730 when a 246 would make a more precise access point, e.g.

245  Brunches and breakfasts.
[At head of title: Good housekeeping]
246 3 |i Good housekeeping brunches and breakfasts
500  At head of title: Good housekeeping.

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740 | Analytical title entries

  • Make title added entries for works included in a large publication (omnibus editions, collections of 2 or 3 complete plays or short stories, collected works, etc.) IF the work is well known, or is longer than 100 pages, or IF, for some compelling reason, it will provide a useful access point for customers, e.g.

245 10  Agatha Christie's detectives : |b five complete novels.
505 0    The murder at the vicarage-Dead man's folly-Sad cypress-Towards zero-N or M?
740 42  The murder at the vicarage.
740 02  Dead man's folly.
740 02  Sad cypress.
740 02  Towards zero.
740 02  N or M?

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76X-78X | Linking entries

  • 765, 767, 770, 772, 775, 776, 780, 785 and 787 can be used for monographs and serials; always check MARC 21 for correct coding.

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856 | Electronic location and access

  • The 856 field is on the Junk tags list; however it is used for EPL’s catalogued electronic resources, e.g. databases.

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949 tracings

  • The 949 field is vendor-delivered, providing information that automatically generates item records upon loading into Symphony.
  • Do NOT delete. Do NOT edit.

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  • Besides the Capitalization rules in RDA Appendix A, do capitalize a publisher’s name in whole or part when appearing in a title, e.g.

The Penguin book of … (imprint Penguin Books)
The Random House book of … (imprint Random House Inc.)
The Bantam dictionary … (imprint Bantam Books)
The Oxford companion … (imprint Oxford Press)

  • However, when the form of name is not an exact match of the publisher’s name (and the words are not inherently proper nouns), do not capitalize, e.g.

The rough guide to … (imprint Rough Guides Ltd.)
The mini rough guide to … (imprint Rough Guides Ltd.)
but do capitalize
Rough Guides collection (imprint Rough Guides Ltd.)
Rough Guides music reference series
490  Music rough guides

  • Capitalization following an exclamation or question mark, e.g.

245  Oops-a daisy! and other tales...

  • Only capitalize when first word or the abbreviation of the first word in a manifestation title (RDA A.4.1). Capitalize other words within titles by applying the guidelines in RDA A.10-A.55.

245  Hamlet ; |band, The tempest
245  Uh oh! gotta go!
245  Dogs! dogs! dogs!

  • Capitalize an initial article in a title quoted within a title only when it is known that the initial article was included in the original work's title. If in doubt, do not capitalize, e.g.

245  Best of The family circus.
245  Selection from the Idylls of the King.

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Original scripts / Linking 880 fields

  • Symphony requires that the first tag of the pair contain Romanized text and the second tag contain non-Latin text/original script, e.g.

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Punctuation, etc.

  • See also MARC Coding, End of field punctuation.
  • The apostrophe is ignored in searching by keyword (Search and General); this affects any foreign word that includes a contracted article or preposition, e.g. l’ecole is searched “lecole” and d’argent is searched “dargent”.
  • Sirsi treats periods as spaces; to enable all variant searches in Workflows, include 246s for titles beginning with initials separated by periods, i.e. make a 246 for the initials without spaces, e.g.

245  H.G. Wells
246  HG Wells

  • This also applies to name authorities; ensure that there is a reference from initials with or without spaces as required, e.g.

110  T.P. Mobb (Musical group)
410  TP Mobb (Musical group)

  • Replace ellipses (…) found in text with 2 hyphens (--) followed by a space, e.g.

Title page: Is it… true
245  Is it-- true

  • Replace square brackets found in text with parentheses in MARC record, unless at beginning of title in which case ignore.
  • Remember that adjacent elements within one field can be enclosed in one set of square brackets if required, except for the GMD which is always enclosed in separate brackets, e.g.

Title: |b[subtitle /|cauthor].
Title: |h[sound recording] :|b[subtitle /|cperformer].

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Shadowed records

  • Remember to check shadowed status if adding a copy to a title record which has no copies or all copies are in a shadowed location, i.e. remove the check mark in the “shadow options” box.
  • The box will only be ticked if the title record has been manually shadowed.
  • The ILS also automatically shadows records which have all items in shadowed locations (e.g. missing, lost, discard) and there will not be a checkmark in the “shadow options” box; the system will automatically remove the shadowing when a new copy is added.

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Revised: March 25, 2024
