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Dewey Decimal Classification


General Guidelines
0XX General Works
1XX Philosophy & Psychology
2XX Religion
3XX Social Sciences
4XX Languages & Dictionaries
5XX Natural Sciences & Mathematics
6XX Technology
7XX Arts
8XX Literature
9XX Travel & Geography/Biography & History


General Guidelines

Length of Dewey Numbers     
Chronological Subdivisions
Classification of Price Lists/Guides
Classification of Chicken Soup and Similar Titles
Works on Two or More Topics
Building Dewey Numbers


Length of Dewey Numbers

Use a maximum of:

  • 6 digits for juvenile non-fiction
  • 8 digits for adult non-fiction


Use up to 10 digits in:

  • 340s
  • 350-354 (Canada only)
  • 620s
  • 971 and 973-979 with use of 004 and Table 5 add-on in, (for Canadian and American (U.S.) ethnic groups).
  • Note: For United States as a whole, use 04 not 004.

Use up to 9 digits in:

  • 333.79
  • 382.971073
  • World War numbers

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Chronological Subdivisions

  • For serials, do not use chronological subdivisions for travel titles. For monographs, chronological subdivisions are added, to the maximum number of digits as indicated previously.
  • Where a Dewey number chronological subdivision changes i.e. to 1999 and 2000- do not use the old period number for an added edition.
  • Do not recatalogue to have both editions use the same chronological subdivision although the added edition should have the date of publication added to its call number.
  • For serials which continue the same title from one century into the next, do not alter the existing call number.
  • For a new serial title, use the appropriate chronological subdivision for the new century.

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Classification of Price Lists/Guides

  • Classify with the subject the following types of price guides: collectors’ guides, prices for a particular item from different manufacturers, resale prices of goods (e.g. auto blue books) and consumer buying guides for a specific item. [See Dewey Manual at 338 vs. 060, 381, 382, 670.294, 910, T1-025, T1-0294, T1-0296.]

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Classification of “Chicken Soup” and Similar Titles

  • These titles consist of anecdotes and should be classified in 000-999 according to the topic, rather than in applied psychology.

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Works on Two or More Topics

  • When a book covers two topics, class it with the predominant one.
  • If the topics are treated equally, class it with the number coming first in the schedule, unless otherwise indicated in Dewey.
  • For books covering more than two topics:
  • If the topics are closely related, class in the more general number that includes them all.
  • If the topics are unrelated, class with the predominant one, but if all are treated equally, class with the topic coming first in the schedules.
  • If many unrelated topics, consider using a general number.

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Building Dewey Numbers

Table 1 Standard Subdivisions

Subdivisions may be added as long as the result will not exceed guidelines for maximum digits; applicable standard subdivision may be shortened to accommodate guidelines on length of Dewey numbers, e.g.

331.12802571 use 331.12802
362.29208997 use 362.29208


  • Do not limit subdivision for place to 09 unless title is historical in coverage, e.g.

599.5220971 (gray whales of Canada) use 599.522
296.37709 (an historical study of Judaism and the arts)

  • Do not shorten 092(2) (persons treatment) to 09 in classification in 930s-990s; do not use standard subdivision in such cases, e.g.

941.08409 : use 941.084

  • Do not shorten 0929 (persons treatment of nonhumans) to 092; do not use standard subdivision in such cases, e.g.

798.400929 : use 798.4

  • Do not add standard subdivisions to class numbers for titles that do not "approximate the whole."
  • For the use of standard subdivision -03 and the corresponding subject subdivision $ v Encyclopedias, follow the definition of 'encyclopedia' as provided by LCSH: "works consisting of explanatory articles arranged alphabetically or topically"; also DDC manual T1-014 vs T1-03, "T1-03 for works systematically arranged for ready reference."


Table 2 Geographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons

If area covered does not match information in area table exactly, check Dewey index to see if the area is located elsewhere with a "class here" note, e.g.

Eastern Canada in -713 (Ontario with class here note)


Table 5 Racial, Ethnic, National Groups

Do not add from Table 1 after adding from Table 5. A conflict results, as Table 5 instructs: add 0, then go to Table 2 for area.


Table 6 Languages

Use -2 for English, not -21; for works in English do not add language subdivision, e.g.

443.2 not 443.21

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[004-006] Data processing
[005] Computer programming, Computer programs
[005-006] HTML, Hypertext, Web sites, etc.
[010-016] Bibliographies
[070] Desktop publishing


[004-006] Data processing

  • LC often suggests incomplete/inconsistent Dewey numbers for computer books. Build onto/revise LC numbers if applicable. Some authority records for programs/computer files, etc. contain EPL preferred Dewey number. Check before assigning Dewey number.
  • Dewey numbers for computer topics will be added to the manual. Note that new titles frequently treat topics in slightly different ways, and that suggested numbers may not always be correct.
  • Class complex subjects with aspects in two or more subdivisions of 004, 005, 006 in the subdivision coming last in that number.

[005] Computer programming, Computer programs

  • Most "programs" are "application programs" and use 005.36.
  • 005.268 Programming for specific operating systems
  • Note that a 630 for the operating system is not necessarily required; if 630 not present, justify the double cutter with a note.

Eg. Book about programming Visual basic 5. Title is not about Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT but requires one of these operating systems, so is classed in 005.268, with 500 note: Suitable for use with Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT operating systems.

[005-006] HTML, Hypertext, Web sites, etc.

  • 005.7 used for "data in computer systems"
  • 005.72 used for "data preparation and representation, record formats"; e.g., for data entry, check digits

Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF for dummies

  • 005.74 used for "data files and databases"

Databases demystified

  • 006.7 used for “hypermedia, hypertext and web page design”

The complete idiot’s guide to creating a Web page
Core CSS : cascading style sheets
E-project : a book about the most creative web sites around the world

  • 006.74 used for "markup languages"

Web design with XML
HTML in 10 simple steps or less

  • 006.76 used for "Internet or Web programming", e.g., CGI, Web services
  • 006.78 used for “multimedia authoring programs”, e.g. MS FrontPage, Adobe PageMill
  • Many titles have been catalogued in obsolete numbers; look for suggested 22nd edition numbers, or have classifications revised.

[010-016] Bibliographies

  • "Bibliographies" include discographies, filmographies and similar listings.
  • Classify bibliographies in 010-016. Do not classify with the subject with the addition of standard subdivision 016 from Table 1.
  • Classify subject bibliographies in 016. Previously subject bibliographies dealing with the arts (700's) were classed in 700-799 using the subdivision 016. Bibliographies dealing with the arts are now to be classified 016.7. Recatalogue as required.

[070] Desktop publishing

  • There are currently two Dewey numbers for desktop publishing:
  • 070.50285 for comprehensive works on actual publishing matters, i.e. editorial techniques.
  • 686.22544 covering typographical, technical works, i.e. how to set up a page; technical how-to's.

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This section is left blank intentionally.

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[220] Bible stories
          Old Testament
          New Testament
[290] Religious Mythology


[220] Bible stories

  • For Bible stories retold, class in the specific number for the book of the Bible. If unable to determine this, class in 221.9505 for Old Testament or 225.9505 for New Testament stories retold. Collections from Old Testament and New Testament are classed in 220.9505.

Persons treatment (092) vs. Bible stories retold (9505)

  • If a Bible story focuses on the life of an individual person or individual persons, choose the book or books of the Bible in which the person's life is narrated, following instructions to add (0)92 to the number for the part of the Bible e.g.
    • Abraham 222.11092 (biography of a person in Genesis)
    • Solomon 222.53092 (biography of a person in 1st Kings)
    • Paul the Apostle 225.92 (biography of a person throughout the New Testament)
    • Women of the Bible 220.92082 (biographies of people throughout both the Old and New Testaments)
  •  Double cutter for one person (or the first of two persons) who is the subject of the work being catalogued e.g.
    • Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi 222.35092 RUT (from Ruth)
  • If the Bible story focuses more on the events and people in general, and the purpose is to retell a portion of the Bible, add (0)9505 to the book or books of the Bible in which the events occur.
    • The walls of Jericho fall  222.20905 (from Joshua)
    • The parable of laborers hired for a vineyard 226.20905 (from Matthew)

Commonly retold Bible stories

The Old Testament
Adam and Eve (Genesis 1)
Moses (Exodus 2)
The fall into sin (Genesis 3)
Moses' calling (Exodus 3)
Cain and Abel (Genesis 4)
The ten disasters (Exodus 7-12)
Noah's ark (Genesis 6)
The Passover and the Exodus (Exodus 12, 13)
The tower of Babel (Genesis 11)
The ten commandments (Exodus 20)
Abraham (Genesis 20)
The tabernacle (Exodus 26)
Abraham offers Isaac (Genesis 22)
Jacob and Esau (Genesis 27)
Day of atonement (Leviticus 16)
Joseph (Genesis 39)
Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39)
Balaam (Numbers 22)
Moses' farewell (Deuteronomy 33)
Joshua1 Samuel
The spies and Rahab (Joshua 2)
The call of Samuel (1 Samuel 3)
Jericho (Joshua 6)
Saul's anointing (1 Samuel, 9-10)
David's anointing (1 Samuel 16)
Gideon (Judges 6-8)
David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
Abimelech (Judges 9)
Saul and Jonathan (1 Samuel 19, 20)
Samson and the lion (Judges 14)
Saul pursues David (1 Samuel 19-30)
Samson and his enemies (Judges 15)
2 Samuel
Samson and Delilah (Judges 16)
King David (2 Samuel 2 ff.)
1 Kings
David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11)
Solomon (1 Kings 1 ff.)
Absalom (2 Samuel 13-18)
Rehoboam and Jeroboam (1 Kings 12-14)
Elijah to Zarephath (1 Kings 17)
Job (Job)
Elijah and the priests of Baal (1 Kings 18)
Ahab (1 Kings 21)
Proverbs (Proverbs)
2 KingsEcclesiastes
Elisha (2 Kings 2-4)
Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes)
Naaman (2 Kings 5)
Song of Solomon
Hezekiah (2 Kings 18-20)
 Song of Solomon or Song of Songs
Josiah (2 Kings 22, 23)
Jonah (Jonah)
Amos (Amos)
Isaiah (Isaiah)
Jeremiah (Jeremiah)
Ezekiel (Ezekiel)
Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel)
Daniel and Darius (Daniel)
Esther (Esther)

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The New Testament
The sermon on the mount (Matthew 5)
A leper (Mark 1)
A storm (Matthew 8)
A lame person (Mark 2)
The sower (Matthew 13)
A demoniac (Mark 5)
Miracle of the loaves (Matthew 14)
A blind man (Mark 10)
The tenants in the vineyard (Matthew 21)
The ten girls (Matthew 25)
The birth of Jesus (Luke 2)
Judas (Matthew 26)
Jesus in the temple (Luke 2)
Crucifixion (Matthew 27)
John the Baptist (Luke 3)
The temptation in the desert (Luke 4)
The first disciples (John 1)
Rejection in Nazareth (Luke 4)
The wedding in Cana (John 2)
The good Samaritan (Luke 10)
Nicodemus (John 3)
The prodigal son (Luke 15)
The Samaritan woman (John 4)
The rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16)
A dead person (John 11)
Zacchaeus (Luke 19)
Resurrection (John 20)
Entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19)
Jesus and Peter (John 21)
The Lord's supper (Luke 22)
Ascension (Acts 1)
Revelation (Revelation)
Pentecost (Acts 2)
A lame man healed (Acts 2)
Stephen (Acts 6, 7)
Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8)
Philippi (Acts 16)
Athens (Acts 17)
Ephesus (Acts 19)
Malta, Rome (Acts 27, 28)

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[290] Religious mythology

  • Formerly 291.13 was assigned to comparative or comprehensive religious mythology; 291 no longer is assigned in DDC 24; class comparative or comprehensive religious mythology in 201.3. Class religious mythologies of specific countries or areas here e.g. Middle Eastern religious myths 201.30939; class religious myths of specific religions with the religion e.g. legends of Jesus in Britain 232.9; class comprehensive or comparative religious mythologies about a specific subject with the subject e.g. creation myths 202.4

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[333.79] Energy
[338] Directories and Trade catalogues
[340] Law
[350-354] Public administration
[362.1-.4] Biographies
[362.196-362.198] Living with a specific physical disease/condition
[362.196 vs. 362.19892] Services to patients with specific conditions/pediatrics
[362.196 vs. 362.19897] Services to patients with specific conditions/geriatrics
[363 vs. 353]
[373.1262] G.E.D.
[378.4-9] Higher education in specific continents, countries, etc.
[382.971073] Free trade
[392.5 vs. 395.22] Wedding etiquette
[394.2] Special occasions
[398.2] Folklore/Fairy tales
[398.2] Urban Legends
[398.6] Riddles

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[333.79] Energy

  • Use up to 9 digits.

[338] Directories and Trade catalogues

  • See Dewey manual at 338 vs. 060, 381, 382, 670.294, 910, T1-025, T1-0294, T1-0296.

[340] Law

Area specification in the 340's
  • For comprehensive books on law in particular areas, use 340.09 for areas 1-3 only; use 349 for areas 4-9.
  • For specific topics in law use the preferred means of number building specified in the current edition of Dewey, followed by notation for branch of law, followed by area notation, then by subordinate notation.
  • Consumer protection law in the United States is classed in 343.73071.

[350-354] Public administration

  • Use up to 10 digits only for Canada. Anything over 8 digits, outside of the above exceptions, must be discussed with revisors. Librarians will make collective decisions in individual cases.

[362.1-.4] Biographies

  • See Dewey manual at 362.1-.4 vs. 610. Note the statement "If in doubt, prefer 362; however prefer 616.8909 and related numbers for psychiatric disorders …"

[362.196-362.198] Living with a specific physical disease/condition

  • Examples:

Hemophilia 362.19615
Emphysema 362.19624
Rheumatoid arthritis 362.19672
Color blindness 362.19775
PMS 362.19817

  • Do not use for Living with a specific psychiatric disease, eg.

Living with Autism, use 616.8982
Living with Autism in children, use 618.92898

[362.196 vs. 362.19892] Services to patients with specific conditions

  • See Dewey Manual at 618.92 vs. 616, 618.32.

[362.196 vs. 362.19897] Services to patients with specific conditions

  • Use 362.19 with add-on. ONLY if disease is primarily associated with a particular age grouping, will the add-on be for diseases of geriatrics.

Alzheimer's disease [This disease is not restricted to late adulthood.]
Use 362.19683 not 362.198976831.

[363 vs. 353]

  • Use 363.37068 for fire department annual reports; also use for Edmonton's Emergency Response Department.

[373.1262] G.E.D.

  • Use for all general G.E.D. tests and class tests on a specific subject with the subject using notation 076 from Table 1, e.g. on mathematics, 510.76; on social studies, 300.76; on literature and the arts, 700.76.

[378.4-9] Higher education in specific continents, countries, etc.

  • Add from Table 1 as appropriate, e.g.

378.7105 Serial publication about Canadian universities
378.73025 Directory of American universities
378.41022 Pictorial works of British universities

  • Apply to new cataloguing; in 2000 do not recatalogue in this classification.

[382.971073] Free trade

  • Use up to 9 digits.

[392.5 vs. 395.22] Wedding etiquette

  • Use 392.5 for theoretical, sociological works.
  • Use 395.22 for etiquette, practical guides e.g. wedding planners. When in doubt, choose 395.22.

[394.2] Special occasions

  • Use 394.2 for pow-wows, without use of standard subdivision for indigenous peoples (topic does not approximate the whole).

[398.2] Folklore/Fairy tales

  • Class interdisciplinary works on mythology in 398.2; class religious mythologies of specific countries or religions with the religion; class comprehensive or comparative religous mythology in 201.3
  • Juvenile titles: Do not add Table 1 notations. [See notes under Juvenile Non-Fiction]
  • Adult titles: Table 1 notations may be used if applicable.

[398.2] Call number and subject headings for urban legends

  • Class in 398.2 (do not use add-on 091732 for urban areas) and use 650 |a Urban folklore (|z if applicable) and 650 |a Legends (|z if applicable).

[398.6] Riddles

  • Class here titles from the oral tradition. See Dewey manual.
  • Jokes are classed in 818 or 828, etc., when author is known (original and contemporary).

398.6 riddles as folk literature (from oral tradition, unknown authors)
793.735 riddles as parlour games (involving participation)
800's riddles as literature (contemporary authors)

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Bilingual Dictionaries

Bilingual dictionaries with English as one language: entry words in one language only

  • Do not include a language prefix in the call number.
  • Assign the Dewey number for the language of the entry words, then add notation -3, then add the number for the language of the definitions, e.g.

entry words in English, definitions in Somali:
423.9354 or J 423.935

entry words in Somali, definitions in English:
493.5432 or J 493.543

Bilingual dictionaries without English: entry words in one language only

  • Precede the Dewey number by the language of the definitions and form the Dewey number with the notation for the language of the entry words followed by the notation for the language of the definitions, e.g.

The French-Spanish dictionary.
(entry words in French, definitions in Spanish)
The assumption is that this will be used by a Spanish-speaking person.
Spanish 443.61 or J Spanish 443.61

Bilingual dictionaries with entry words in both languages (i.e. two-part dictionaries, each part being the reverse of the other; also included in this category are juvenile bilingual picture dictionaries):

Adult: If English is one of the languages: do not add a language prefix to the call number. Assign the Dewey number for the non-English language, then add notation -3, then add 2 for English

e.g. German-English, English-German dictionary: 433.2

Juvenile: If English is one of the languages: add a language prefix for the non-English language to the call number. Assign the Dewey number for English, then add notation -3, then add the notation for the non-English language

e.g. German-English, English-German dictionary: J German 423.31

Adult and juvenile: If neither of the languages is English: follow the instructions in Dewey. Assign the Dewey number for the language coming last in the schedules, then add notation -3, then add the number for the other language. Precede the Dewey number with the second language

e.g. German-French, French-German dictionary: German 443.31 or J German 443.31

Polyglot dictionaries (adult and juvenile)

  • Class in 413; precede Dewey number with the language of the intended audience, if this can be determined. Otherwise, consider as English if English is one of the languages (i.e. no language prefix)

Phrase-books and language instruction books (adult and juvenile)

  • Assign the Dewey number for the language being taught. If the intended audience is English speakers, do not add a language prefix. If the intended audience is speakers of a non-English language, preface the Dewey number with that language. The intended audience is determined by the language of the introductory information or explanatory text.

Arabic phrase book (explanations in English): 492.78342 or J 492.783

Arabic phrase book (explanations in French): French 492.78344 or J French 492.783

  • Exception: For English Language Learning material (ELL collection), do not include the language of the intended audience as a prefix to the call number. See also Literacy/ESL. Adult picture dictionaries are classed in Easy English with only the call number indicating the non-English language e.g. Easy English 463.2 for a Spanish-speaking audience. For children’s picture dictionaries, see Bilingual dictionaries with entry words above.

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[508 vs. 574] Natural history

  • Class in 508 titles covering all aspects of nature, i.e. physical geology, land forms as well as life sciences.
  • Class in 574 works restricted to life sciences.

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[610.6952 vs.610.92] For biographies of doctors, etc.
[616.3995] Diseases of protein metabolism
[629.222] Passenger automobiles
[629.2872] Automobile repair manuals
[629.28722] Automobile repair manuals
[636.089] James Herriot books
[641.5631] Cookery for sick persons
[641.5784] Barbecue recipes
[641.589] Cooking with specific utensils
[643 vs. 690] Do-it-yourself material
[647.94] Travel guides
[650.142] Resumes

[610.6952 vs.610.92] For biographies of doctors, etc.

  • Use 610.695 (medical missionaries), 610.6952 (physicians), and 610.6953 (medical technicians and assistants). Use 610.73092 (nurses). Use 610.92 for biographies of medical personnel other than medical missionaries, physicians, medical technicians and assistants, and nurses. See note under 610.69 for medical personnel with a speciality (i.e. class with the speciality). (See also 926.1 ... if applicable.)

[616.3995] Diseases of protein metabolism

  • Use 616.3995 (618.92399 for children) for celiac disease (defined as a chronic reaction to certain protein chains)

[629.222] Passenger automobiles

[629.2872] Automobile repair manuals

  • Use for general manuals not pertaining to specific makes or models, including minivans and sport utility vehicles.

[629.28722] Automobile repair manuals

  • Use for manuals for specific makes (e.g. GM, Ford) or models (e.g. Pontiac, Corolla). Any number of makes or models is included, provided they are specifically named.
  • See also Double cuttering for automobiles.

[636.089] James Herriot books

  • General number for collection of anecdotes. Books should be classed with the topic, if there is one, e.g.

Blossom comes home [a book about a cow]
J 636.22 HER

[641.5631] Cookery for sick persons

  • Class here cookbooks for persons with allergies.

[641.5784] Barbecue recipes.

  • Use 641.76 for techniques.

[641.589] Cooking with specific utensils

  • Class here wok cookery.

[643 vs. 690] Do-it-yourself material

  • Follow the directions in Dewey at 643.7. Class comprehensive material for professionals in 690; material for homeowners in 643. Note that 643 is used for works covering the topics listed in a broad sense, i.e. for 643.3-643.5, title covers comprehensive maintenance and repair of specific area of the home, or, in 643.7 the title should be a comprehensive work (on all aspects of renovation, improvement, remodeling). Do-it-yourself titles dealing only with one aspect of renovation should be classed with the aspect, e.g. wiring in 621.31924; plumbing in 696.1.

[650.142] Resumes

  • Class here resumes.

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[707-708] Museum guides
[741.5] Graphic novels, graphic short stories
[741.56] Juvenile cartoon books
[745.592 vs. 688.72] Toys
[745.593 vs. 745.594] Tabletop fountains
[760] Dover clip art series
[779] Books of photography
[780] Music
[782 … vs 784-788] Vocal music arranged for an instrument
[782.14] Musical plays
[782.14 vs 782.42154] Music Scores
[782.42162] Folk artists
[784.193] Techniques for playing instruments
[786-788] Specific instruments and their music
[786.59] Keyboards
[791.4] Public performances -- Motion pictures, radio, television, podcasting
[791.4572] Fictional television series/specials (videos)
[792.23] Comedy
[792.7] Variety shows, burlesque, cabaret, vaudeville, music hall and nightclub
[796] Sports
[796.64] Bicycle touring videos and books


[707-708] Museum guides

  • Guide books and catalogues of specific museums, galleries, private collections or exhibitions are classed in 707 or 708. Class catalogues for exhibitions of individual artists' works, however, with the art medium used.
  • Note: Do not confuse catalogue and guide books (which are specifically about a collection or exhibition) with books published in connection with an exhibition--these are usually more general in their scope and may include examples that did not appear in the exhibition. The latter should be classified according to the medium used, i.e. printing.

[741.5] Graphic novels, graphic short stories

[741.56] Juvenile cartoon books

  • Do not add 9 to number for geographical treatment, however 9 is added for historical treatment.

[745.592 vs. 688.72] Toys

  • Use 745.592 for handmade toys only.
  • Works on both handmade and manufactured toys are classified in 688.72.

[745.593 vs. 745.594] Tabletop fountains

  • Use 745.593.

[760] Dover clip art series

  • Use 760 for entire series. Use subject heading Clip art and a subject heading for the topic.

[779] Books of photography

  • Class collections of photographs with the subject if documentary in nature. Class collections of photographs in 779 when there is no identifiable subject, or if the photographs are artistic in nature. If in doubt as to whether the photographs are artistic or documentary and the photographs are of one subject, class with the subject.

[780] Music

  • Prefer the latter number in the schedule when two apply; prefer "1" add-on over "0" add-on.

Vocal music

  • The major exception to the above occurs when classing vocal music i.e. when vocal music is involved, prefer 782-783 (see DDC manual at 780 – Music -- Building numbers -- #2 Arrange the facets…) e.g.

Biography of Jimi Hendrix
782.42166 (or 927.8242)
787.87166 (or 927.8787)

Kinds of music vs. traditions of music

  • When adding General principles 11-17 to a base number, add the number which comes last in the tables. Exception: Prefer the use of 1 + 5…Kinds of music to 1 +6… Traditions of music, e.g. popular wedding songs use 782.42158 not 782.42164; classical piano pieces from films, use 786.2154 not 786.2168.

Musical humour/parodies

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[782 … vs 784-788] Vocal music arranged for an instrument


Music scores

  • Class music scores in 784-788 under the primary instrument, e.g.,

092 $a Msc 787.87166 FIR
245 $a First 50 songs you should play on acoustic guitar.

092 $a Msc 786.2193 SIX

245 $a 60 famous classical piano solos :$bBeethoven, Bach, Debussy, Rachmaninoff, Handel, Liszt and more /$cedited by David Dutkanicz.


092 $a Msc 787.88193 CAH

100 $a Cahill, Greg.

245 $a 100 banjo lessons /$cby Greg Cahill & Michael Miles.


  • Do not re-classify existing titles assigned 782... call numbers, unless additional copies are being added that have been treated as per the direction above.
  • For works that indicate treatment of voice and multiple instruments, classify under songs, for emphasis of the vocal form, e.g.,

092 $a 782.42166 BEC

100 $a Becker, Walter,|d1951-

245 $a Anthology /|c[words and music chiefly by Walter Becker and Donald Fagen] ; photography by Frank Ockenfels.

500 $a “Piano, vocal, guitar.”


092 $a Msc 782.42164 TOP

245 $a Top hits of 2020.

500 $a "Piano, vocal, guitar."


(Revised January 26, 2024)

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[782.14] Musical plays

  • For Single musical plays (live or filmed, including more than one version of the same musical in a publication):
    • Class in 782.14. Do not add further.
  • For collections of music from musical plays (live or filmed)
    • Add geographic subdivision (09 + Table 2) when the geographic aspect is prominently stated; e.g.

          Songs from the great Hollywood musicals.

  • Add-on for specific musical traditions when appropriate, e.g. 782.14165 for Broadway jazz; do not use the add-on for western popular music 1 + 64 (Most musicals are western popular music; 64 is redundant). Add-on specific musical forms when appropriate, e.g. 782.14188 for Broadway waltzes. Add-on for other kinds of music as appropriate, e.g. patriotic music, Christmas music.


[782.14 vs 782.42154] 

Music Scores

  • Dramatic music is performed by the cast whether in a live musical or a film. It is not to be confused with background music, even with vocal background or mood music.
  • Class dramatic music in 782.14 for musical plays or musical films, eg.

          Evita : from the Cinergi film.

  • For a music score of songs collected together for use as background music, class in 782.42154, eg.

          Songs from The big chill.

  • If in doubt, use 782.42154.

[782.42162] Folk artists

  • Class folk musicians whom are indicated as ‘folk’ either by EPL sound recording classification (FOLK or WORLD) or other reputable sources (LC subject heading ‘Folk musicians’, All music guide, etc.) in 782.42162, e.g. Woody Guthrie.
  • Folk rock musicians may either be classed in 782.42162 or 782.42166, but once a classification number has been chosen, use that number consistently.

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[784.193] Techniques for playing instruments

  • This number relates to specific skills and has parallels with the subject subdivision.

          784.193 |x Instruction and study
          784.19368 |x Fingering

Musical (especially jazz) ensembles

  • General:
    • When classifying recorded music (audio or video) remember, numbers selected in the 78X range should use (or add when building) the last (not the first) applicable number.
    • Accompanied vocal music is classed in 782 (since voice takes precedence over other instruments)
    • The range 786-788 is only used for solo instruments or solo + one accompanying instrument.
  1. For vocals:
  • 782 Vocal music
  • 782.42165 Jazz vocals
  1. *Class instrumental ensemble by size:
  • with only one instrument per part (785 also used for chamber music) or
  • consisting of 2 or more instrumental groups (785.2-.5)

          e.g. 785.38 (Guitar, bass, drums, keyboards)

  • many variants exist; find the right grouping for each ensemble
  • 785.24 (clarinet(s), bass, piano) based on 785.2 Ensembles with keyboard
  • 785.35 (saxophone(s), bass, drums, piano) based on 785.3 Ensembles without electrophones and with percussion and keyboard
  • 785.39 (vibraphone and piano(s))
  • 785.4 (not in use in our catalogue yet) based on 785.4 Ensembles without keyboard
  • 785.55 (trumpet(s), bass, drums) based on 785.5 Ensembles without keyboard and with percussion
  • To indicate the size of the ensemble, add to 19 the numbers following 785.1 in 785.12-.19 (Use size of ensemble after instrumentation and before tradition e.g. 785.38194 for jazz quartet: 2 strings, percussion and keyboard)
  • For recordings where there is a named performer/band leader with ensemble, e.g. a Miles Davis (trumpet) concert with 7 sidemen (saxophone, guitar, 2 keyboardists, bass, percussion and drums), class as a jazz octet (785.35198).
  1. For larger instrumental ensembles (10 or more)
  • 784.48 Dance orchestra (Class here big bands)
  • 784.48165 Jazz big band
  1. For solo instrument or solo melody instrument
  • Class here music for solo instrument and music for solo instruments accompanied by one other instrument when the accompanying instrument clearly has a subsidiary role.

          e.g. 786.2 solo piano

          786.2165 Jazz piano

  •  “Class works for solo melody instrument with keyboard or other accompaniment in 786-788”

          e.g. 788.94 solo French horn (with accompaniment)

  1. For ensembles consisting of one instrumental group (785.6-.9) e.g. brass, woodwind or string ensembles
  • Family of instruments 785.7194 String quartet (e.g. 2 violins, a viola and a cello)
  • Ensemble of only one kind of instrument

          785.72194 Violin quartet

[786-788] Specific instruments and their music

  • Class musicians having an interest in both the instrument and its music in the number for the instrument and music plus 092.

Isaac Stern (a violinist) 787.2092

  • Class persons interested only in the instrument in the number for the instrument plus 092.

Stradivari (a violin maker) 787.219092
787.2 = Instrument and music
787.219 = Instrument only

[786.59] Keyboards

  • Class instructional materials, etc. for portable electronic “keyboards” (e.g. Casio, Technics) in 786.59 [plus add-on]; the correct subject headings are (650) Electronic keyboard (Synthesizer) [for the instrument], and (650) Electronic keyboard music [for the instrument’s music]. See also Subject Headings, Keyboard instruments.


SH: Instrument
SH: Music of the instrument
Dewey, e.g. Techniques
Keyboard instruments
Keyboard instrument music
The keyboard family of musical instruments; music for unspecified solo keyboard instrument or three or more different solo keyboard instruments.
Piano music
Music of a solo specific keyboard instrument, in this case, the piano.
Electronic piano,
Reference: Electric piano
Electronic piano music
Music of a solo electric piano. Wikipedia: Unlike a synthesizer, the electric piano is not an electronic instrument, but electro-mechanical.
Organ (Musical instrument)
Organ music
Music for solo pipe organ
Electronic organ
Electronic organ music
Music for solo electronic organ, e.g. Hammond organ.
Electronic keyboard (Synthesizer)
Electronic keyboard music
Music for  solo electronic or digital keyboard instrument, usually the portable or homestyle model used by amateurs or students (Cf. Wikipedia), e.g. Casio, Technics; often called “keyboards”
Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
Synthesizer music
Music for solo synthesizer, an electronic instrument that utilizes waveform synthesis techniques, often but not always controlled by a piano-like keyboard.
Keyboard controller (Musical instrument)
Keyboard controller music
A keyboard controller is a keyboard instrument of about two octaves that does not produce any sounds of its own; used primarily for composing MIDI sequences to a computer or sequencer.
Keyboards (Music)
Use for works on the keyboard as a physical part of a musical instrument; as opposed to: Keyboards (Electronics) [part of a computer]. DO NOT USE for “keyboards” as an instrument, use: Electronic keyboard (Synthesizer).

[791.4] Public performances -- Motion pictures, radio, television, podcasting

  • Use 791.4 for fiction works adapted to be performed as an audio drama. Radio and TV plays are classified in 791.447 and 791.457 respectively. Follow directions in DDC. Class plays only previously heard on the Internet in 791 (add 500 note: Internet audio drama). Use numbers (in 8XX) for other literary works, e.g. poetry, or for literary criticism; do not use the numbers for drama from literature (8XX) for its performance on CDs (except for Shakespeare); use appropriate classification for performances in 79X.

[791.4572] Fictional television series/specials (videos)

  • Classify as fiction films not in 791.4572.

          Hardy Boys, Black Beauty

  • The making of these series will continue to be classified in 791.4572.

[792.23] Comedy

  • Use 792.23 for works about comedy performance; use 792.23028 for comedy performances; use 792.76 for stand-up comedy; use 927.9223 for biographies of comedians, e.g. John Cleese, Abbott and Costello, Ricky Gervais, Rowan Atkinson.

[792.7] Variety shows, burlesque, cabaret, vaudeville, music hall and nightclub.

  • Use 792.7 for works about vaudeville, etc. Use 792.7028 for nightclub performances and 927.927 for their biographies, e.g. [Dewey suggested] Roseanne, Bob Hope, George Burns, Groucho Marx. Use 792.76 for stand-up comedy and 792.76028 for performances of stand-up comedians, e.g. George Carlin, Phyllis Diller, Eddie Izzard, David Brenner, Jeff Foxworthy. For biographical works about stand-up comedians, use 927.9276. See 792.23028 and 927.9223 for comic performances and comedians.

[796] Sports

  • Class the biography of sports personnel in the general number for the specific sport regardless of position played or type of game. See Dewey manual 796 - Sports personnel.
  • A biography of a professional football player 796.332[092] not 796.33264092.
  • (Remember 8 digits is the maximum in this area.)

Teams and leagues in sports

  • Use the most specific, i.e. professional or college-league level, rather than adding from Table 1 -06 to classify works on specific teams (or leagues). For other add-on from Table 1 the specific meanings listed under the base no. for each sport cannot be transferred to more extensive (longer, more specific) class numbers.

[796.64] Bicycle touring videos and books

  • If the emphasis is on the cyclist (e.g. training and preparing for the journey), class in 796.64 (touring) with a geographic add-on. If the emphasis is on travel, class in 913-919. Use 650 |a Bicycle touring |z _____

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[817-818] American literature in English
[819.1] Canadian literature in English
[819.9] South American literature
[820-828] English and Old English literature
[828.99] English literature of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India
[828.994-999] English literature in other parts of the world
[822.33] Literature by and about Shakespeare
[848.9] French literature
[848.992] Canadian literature in French
[868.9] Spanish literature



  • 808.066 Do not use for resumes; use 650.142.
  • Extend class number to indicate form of literature (e.g. poetry, drama, etc.) and time period to a maximum of 8 digits. When classifying an author’s works, use the same chronological period for all works irrespective of literary format, i.e. if the author’s first published work was poetry published in one time period, class his work of drama from a successive time period using the chronological add-on for both works. Details about specific class numbers follow:


Table 3, Notation -8, Single authors only

  • For the miscellaneous literature notation from Table 3, do not add the additional notations -02-09 following the period number when classifying an author in notation -8 for the first time. For authors who are already classed here, continue to use the number previously assigned if all his/her books classed in -8 are in the same number. If recataloguing to bring the works together, do not add the -02-09 notations following the period number, i.e. all books by a specific author that are in -8, whether anecdotes, reminiscences, prose should have the same Dewey number. Add only period subdivision -81-89 for single and collected works of an author.


Literary criticism and actual text in one volume

  • Classify titles where the criticism is substantial and the intent of the publication is critical. Determine main entry according to AACR2 Rev. 21.15.


Bilingual works of literature

  • If the original language is specified or can be determined, class with that literature. Note that text in the original language does not have to be present.
  • If the original language is not specified or cannot be determined, choose the Dewey number for the language coming first in the schedules, e.g. book of poetry in English and Arabic, original language cannot be determined, title page only in English; class in English poetry with no language prefix in the call number. For other combinations consult a Cataloguing Librarian.
  • Adult: Do not preface the call number with a language.
  • Juvenile: Preface the call number with the non-English language.
  • Use 81- as the base number for both American and Canadian English literature.


[817-818] American literature in English

  • LC classifies satire and humour in 818 and not in 817 for works by more than one author as well. 817 is not applicable to a single author's work. As well, 817 is rarely applicable to the works of multiple authors. Follow LC's use of 818 for satire and humour. Recatalogue existing inconsistencies. This rule re -7 applies to satire and humour in all literatures.

[819.1] Canadian literature in English

  • Use the optional provisions outlined in Dewey. Add to the base number 819.1 the form subdivision from Table 3 and the period subdivision from the table for Canada under 810.

E.g. A book of poetry by Margaret Atwood would be 819.1154 ATW

  • In the past the base number for Canadian literature was 819. Recatalogue as required.

[819.9] South American literature

  • Also class here Latin American literature. For works in English use the options in Dewey.

E.g. a poet living in Guyana writing in English would be classified 819.981.

[820-828] English and Old English literature (Literature of Scotland, Ireland and Wales)

  • Do not use the optional provisions in Dewey. Classify Scottish, Irish and Welsh authors in 820-828 with authors of Great Britain; use the period table for Great Britain.

Dylan Thomas' poetry is classified 821.912 THO
James Joyce's essays are classified 824.912 JOY

[828.99] English literature of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India

  • Use the optional provisions outlined in Dewey; form is added directly to the provided number, e.g..

New Zealand poetry is classified 828.99331
South African essays are classified in 828.99364

[828.994-999] English literature in other parts of the world

  • Directions indicate adding a zero after area number before form number, e.g.

Japanese English language play 828.9952[02]

[822.33] Literature by and about Shakespeare

[848.9] French literature

  • Use the optional provisions in Dewey for countries other than France.

A book of poems by the Haitian Jean Briere is classified 848.99729 BRI
(the area notation for Haiti is -7294; cut it off at -729, West Indies, to keep the Dewey number to 8 digits).

[848.992] Canadian literature in French

  • Use the optional provisions outlined in Dewey.

E.g. a play by Michel Tremblay is classified 848.99225 TRE

[868.9] Spanish literature

  • Use the optional Dewey provision for countries other than Spain.

E.g. a book of essays by Jorge Luis Borges (Argentinean essayist and short story writer) is classified 868.99324 BOR; his poetry is in 868.99321 BOR. His short stories, however, are placed in fiction.

Rev. June 29, 2010

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[910.9163-910.9167] Ocean travel
[914-919] Physical geography of and travel in specific places
[914.437] Euro Disney
[920-928] Biographies
[920.7] Biographies of persons by sex
[920.9] Biographies of persons associated with other subjects
[920.997] Biographies of Indian chiefs
[922.1] Biographies of Early Church Fathers who are Saints
[923.241] House of Windsor
[923.668] Social reformers
[923.9] Explorers, geographers, pioneers
[925, 926, 927]
[926.087] Biographies of inventors
[926.1] Biographies of medical personnel
[927.821] Biographies of opera singers
[927.8242] Biographies of pop singers
[929] Genealogy
[929.6] Heraldry
[940.3-940.54] World War numbers
[971.00321] Canadian encyclopedia
[971.034 vs. 973.52] War of 1812
[971, 973-979] Canada and the United States ethnic groups


[910.9163-910.9167] Ocean travel

  • Cruise ships
  • Titanic: note the prescribed (new) number for material about the wreck of the Titanic listed in Dewey, 21st ed. (p. 809 of v. 3) under 910.452: 910.91634. Also note the wreck of the Exxon Valdez is 910.916434.
  • Note: LC consistently suggests a Dewey number for the nearest land mass (930-990s). Class comprehensive works on the sailing and shipwreck in the ocean area (910.91---). For salvage operations of shipwrecks, class in 622.19 with subjects for:

610 |a The ship
650 |a Treasure-trove
650 |a Shipwrecks

[914-919] Physical geography of and travel in specific places

  • Class books dealing with the physical geography of an area (i.e., with its natural, not its man-made features) and those dealing with travel in 914-919. Use up to 8 digits. Do not use chronological divisions with -04 for monographs. Add date of coverage/publication to travel guides (except world guides in 910.202) when in monograph format, including both print and videorecordings. 

[914.437] Euro Disney

  • Class in 914.437.

[920-928] Biographies

  • For cuttering of biographies, see Cuttering.
  • Class biographies in 920-928 using option A as given in the optional provisions outlined in Dewey. LC classifies biographies of persons associated with a subject with the subject, using standard subdivision -092 and |v Biography after the topical subject heading.
  • For one individual, there is to be one number chosen and used consistently in the 920's; works classed by subject in other areas of the schedules may be scattered according to the subject emphasized. Check all titles about a person and recatalogue titles classed in various numbers in the 920's to one number. Enter Dewey number in authority record, using 083 field. Add subfield 2 to indicate edition of Dewey, and EPL code CaAE in subfield 5, e.g.

083 04 |a923.241 |2 21 |5 CaAE
083 04 |a920.72097 |2 22 |5 CaAE

  • To decide whether the title should be classed in the 920's or in the subject, consider the amount of personal information included; biographies should contain substantial personal information. A few pages of personal information about childhood or later life does not constitute biography if the majority of the title concerns a person's career.
  • Only comprehensive biographies which include equal amounts of personal information and professional elements of a person’s life are classified in biography numbers rather than number for the subject. If in doubt, class in the subject.
  • In general, class with the highest rank achieved, e.g. Edward, Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII, in 923.141 (not 923.241); Karol Wojtyla, later Pope John Paul II, in 922.21 (not 922.2438); class spouses of famous people in 920.71 or 920.72, plus 09, if appropriate, if not affiliated with a specific subject.
  • Classify biographies of 3 or more people and biographical dictionaries of persons associated with a subject with the subject, not in 920-928, e.g.

A biographical dictionary on golf: 796.352, not 927.9652...
Biography of 3 American poets: 811, not 928.1.

  • Only biographies of one or two persons are catalogued in 920-928 with the exception of 920.0… and 920.7… which are proper Dewey numbers (i.e. not optional numbers) and subject only to DDC instructions, e.g.

Biography of four British women: 920.72094

Geographical Treatment

  • Biographies classed in 920.1-920.9 may have standard subdivisions added from Table 1. Where applicable, add -09 plus area notation from Table 2 for geographical treatment.

Biography of a Canadian journalist: 920.50971

  • For geographical treatment in 921-928, follow the instructions in DDC carefully. If a “dagger” appears with the optional number, follow the instructions as given in the appropriate footnote. If the optional number is not marked with a “dagger”, it is necessary to revert to the Dewey section referred to in the “Add to base number …” note for instructions as to geographical subdivision, e.g.

Biography of a Canadian painter: 927.5911 not 927.59097.

  • Where the addition of a geographic add-on is permitted, use the most specific number permitted within 8 digits keeping in mind that the class number and subject headings should agree, e.g.

Mayor Bill Smith:
923.27123 SMI
650 |a Mayors |z Alberta |z Edmonton |v Biography.

Prime Minister Jean Chretien:
923.271 CHR
650 |a Prime ministers |z Canada |v Biography.

Butch Cassidy:
923.4178 CAS
650 |a Outlaws |z West (U.S.) |v Biography.

[920.7] Biographies of persons by sex

  • 920.71 (men) and 920.72 (women) should be used when the subject of a biography has no known personal discipline or occupation; geographic subdivisions can be added, e.g.

Clinton, Hilary Rodham

[920.9] Biographies of persons associated with other subjects

  • Geographical indication (930-999) is to be used only for an historic figure's biography who has no known discipline or occupation.

[920.997] Biographies of Indian chiefs

  • North American Indian chiefs should be classed in 920.997, not 923.1 because they were not recognized as head of state since the colonizing powers were considered head of state. Indian chiefs who are associated with a particular subject should be classed with their discipline. If a specific geographic area can be identified, a more specific area notation can be used, but if in doubt, use 920.997 only.

Geronimo, Apache Chief  920.997
Baker, Simon 920.99711

[922.1] Biographies of Early Church Fathers who are Saints

  • These biographies should be classified 922.1, "Persons associated with the early Church", rather than 922.22, the number for biographies of Christian saints.

E.g. a life of St. Augustine would be classified 922.1 AUG

[923.241] House of Windsor

  • Class here for biographical material; also consider 930-990 if appropriate for collective material; 929.72 for genealogical material.

[923.668] Social reformers

  • Class here Nelson Mandela.

[923.9] Explorers, geographers, pioneers

  • Do not add standard subdivisions for titles covering only one of the above. Eg. Do not use add-on 09 for works on pioneers alone. Area notations are not used for explorers and geographers due to the choice between country of origin and area explored. Other standard subdivisions may be used for works "approximating the whole".

[925, 926, 927]

  • Because the “Add to base number …” note gives instructions to add to 925 [926, 927] the numbers following 5 in 510-590 [6 in 610-690, 7 in 710-790], the first possible Dewey number after 925 [926, 927] is 925.1 [926.1, 927.1].

[926.087] Biographies of inventors

  • Do not use 926.087 for biographies of inventors
  • Class in 926.[1-9] for specific inventor’s primary invention.

[926.1] Biographies of medical personnel

  • Use 926.10695 for biography of a doctor; 926.10695 for biography of a medical technician; 926.10695 for a medical missionary; 926.1073 for a nurse, etc.

[927.821] Biographies of opera singers

  • Class here biographies of singers primarily associated with opera.

[927.8242] Biographies of pop singers

  • Do not add further to the Dewey number.

[929] Genealogy

929.1072 Genealogical research
  • Use this number for techniques of research. Material describes various sources and methods of locating information. May include how to interpret the information found. May be general or about doing research in a specific locality. If in doubt between 929.1072 and 929.3, prefer 929.1072.
929.3 Genealogical sources
  • Use this number for actual source material (e.g. ship registers, parish registers, etc.) or a source substitute (e.g. an index). Item contains little or no information on how to do research; usually information is in list form.
  • 929.33-929.39 Add geographic notation for the area where the source is located (e.g. sources about German immigrants to the U.S. that are from the Public Records Office in London, England: add on -421). Always add the notation for the location of the source material before considering the ethnic/national group being discussed.

[929.6] Heraldry

  • Generally use for books about tartans.
  • 929.2 Family histories may be used in some cases; evaluate individual cases.

[930-990] Other books on History

  • Classify pictorial works which cover "cultural" as well as physical geography (i.e. which describe a landscape's man-made as well as natural features) in 930-990. This includes works containing aerial photographs of a city. Assign broad class numbers to general works dealing with historical periods of a country.
Guidelines for selecting time period:
  • If the majority of the title concerns one time period, class in that time period. Apply the following example if two or more time periods are covered and there is no emphasis or preponderance readily apparent.
  • Example (from DDC, 19th ed.)
Class work on
first of two
the first three periods covered fall into two broader periods, with only 1702-1714 being in the first; hence, first of two
first of two periods within the first of two broader periods
same reason
same reason
three periods within the first of two broader periods
three broad periods
same reason


[940.3-940.54] World War numbers

  • Use up to 9 digits.

[971.00321] Canadian encyclopedia

  • Accept call no. in use; recatalogue if 3rd ed. received.

[971.034 vs. 973.52] War of 1812

  • Class in 971.034 if from a Canadian perspective; 973.52 from an American perspective; if in doubt, use 971.034. The valid subject heading is 651 |a United States |x History |y War of 1812.

[971, 973-979] Canada and the United States ethnic groups

  • Use up to 10 digits for 004 (Table 5). Subdivide as required by title being catalogued.
  • Note: For United States as a whole, use -04 (not -004) for the standard subdivision, and a maximum of 10 digits, eg. 973.0491497

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Revised: January 26, 2024
