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Government Documents

  • Government Documents are publications issued by one of the three levels of Government: federal, provincial, or municipal.
  • Catalogue according to current cataloguing rules, including a DDC call number in the 092.
  • The issuing government body is traced for all government documents. If the name of a government body is not included in the statement of responsibility or the imprint (260 $b), make a 550 (issuing body) note using the form of name on the publication, and trace in a 710, e.g.

550 $a Issued by: Department of Finance, Government of Canada.
710 $a Canada.$bDept. Of Finance.

  • Trace the government body in a 710 if it is the publisher (260 $b).
  • Trace any other government body in a 710 if not used as an authorized access point.
  • For documents catalogued by EPL, circle “Gov” on the IP form.
  • ItemCat1 = GOVDOC.