Select Renew Single Item: No user information is required.
Scan or Enter item barcode.
When an item is renewed, the cursor automatically returns to the Item ID field so another item can be renewed.
Select Close when the renewal(s) are completed.
NOTE: If a different due date is needed, select the Special Date Due helper . Use the Gadget Calendar to select a date, or type date mm/dd/yyyy. Use radio button to specify this date due is for this renewal only. CAUTION: Using “From Now On” will use the special due date for the next renewal.
Item Exceptions
Same user and item exceptions apply as in checkout.
Item has a hold against it. Holds Block Override displays. Do not renew item without verifying whether or not other items can satisfy the hold (ie. if there are 5 copies of the title on shelf and only one hold, you may renew the item. If there are 100 people waiting for the item, you cannot renew the item).
Item renewal limit exceeded. Renew limit override displays. Do not renew item.