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MARC Coding: Maps

Fixed Fields

Desci=ISBD punctuation (formerly a=AACR2)Entrd090622Dat_Tp Date1 
Date2 Ctry Relief|||Base||
Map_Typea/eGovtPub Form|Indx|
Spec_Fmt||Lang Mod_Rec Source 


SIRSI tagsMARC CodingValues used at EPL
Rec_TypeLeader, character position 06e (cartographic material)
Bib_LvlLeader, character position 07m (monograph)
TypeCtrlLeader, character position 08[blank] [no specified type]
Enc_LvlLeader, character position 17[blank] [full level]
DescLeader, character position 18a [AACR 2] i  [ISBD punctuation included]
Entrd008, character position 00-05system generated
Dat_Tp008, character position 06s [single date] 
m [range of dates for multipart item] 
r [reprint] 
t [publication date & copyright date 
q [questionable - range of dates 
Date1008, character position 07-10
as required
Date2008, character position 11-14as required
Ctry008, character position 15-17as required
Relief008, character position 18-21|||| [4 fill characters, no attempt to code]
008, character position 22-23|| [ 2 fill characters, no attempt to code]
(Type of cartographic material)
008, character position 25a [map] 
e [atlas]
GovtPub008, character position 28[blank] [not gov't] 
f [federal] 
l [local, municipal] 
s [provincial] 
u [unknown] 
z [other, multi-level]
Form008, character position 29[blank] [none of the following:] 
a [microfilm] 
b [microfiche] 
d [large print] 
f [Braille] 
s [electronic]
Indx008, character position 31| [fill character, no attempt to code]
(Special format)
008, character position 33-34|| [2 fill characters, no attempt to code]
Lang008, character position 35-37as required
Mod_Rec008, character position 38[blank] [not modified]
Source008, character position 39[blank] [National bibliographic agency] [LC; LAC] 
c [cooperative cataloguing agency] 
d [other] [EPL]


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