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Mark item used

Mark Item Used wizard lets you track usage for items that were used in the library but not checked out by a customer. This wizard is generally used only during the annual In House Use survey.

The In House Use survey gauges the number and types of items that are used by customers while in library facilities, but are not borrowed (therefore not counted as circulations.)  This week of data is extrapolated for the year and is presented in the annual report as well as being used for other reports to external organizations.  It is one measure of how much EPL spaces are being used.  Throughout the survey week, each service point performs an hourly clean-up of materials used in branch, scanning each item with the Mark Item Used wizard, prior to shelving.  Each service point is provided with:

  • generic barcodes to use for materials without barcodes (ex. newspapers)
  • "Do Not Reshelve" Signs to be placed around the library

To Mark an Item Used

1.  Under the Item Information and Maintenance toolbar, select the Mark Item Used wizard.

2. The following window will appear.

  • Scan the Item ID that you want to mark used.
  • Select Mark Item Used. 
  • Select OK.

3.  Repeat until you have marked all items used.