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4 Month Recats


  • New titles will be catalogued according to latest Dewey Decimal classification.
  • For duplicate copies of monographs and added issues of serials, recatalogue existing copies if the change to the classification number is within the first 3 digits (e.g. 532.). If the change to the classification number is after the first 3 digits, (e.g. 532.8 to 532.87932), existing copies will not be recatalogued, and the new copy will be catalogued using the existing “incorrect” classification number.
  • Do not recatalogue fiction for the genre unless the book is in a series or has a recurring character that would necessitate the items to be catalogued the same. Recall copies to relabel.
  • Recatalogue items that have incorrect Dewey numbers. Do not recatalogue to add or reduce one or two digits or to add/remove a standard subdivision if the Dewey number is otherwise correct.
  • Items merged onto a serial record must have identical base call numbers; recatalogue if necessary.
  • Do not recatalogue older editions of a title if the edition in-hand (with new Title control number) is being classed in a different Dewey number.
  • Teen material: before recataloguing a title classed as adult or juvenile to TEEN, check with the Collections Librarian or a Cataloguing Librarian
  • Vendor-catalogued paperbacks: do not recatalogue items in the paperback collection, unless an error is hindering customer service. Add an explanatory note if required. See also Print Materials General, 500 notes for vendor-catalogued mass market paperbacks.


  • CMA staff recall items attached to a title record (via copy level holds with User ID: RECATS). Items appear on the Hold list and should be evaluated before sending to the Division. Service point staff are advised to refer to their weeding guidelines before sending items to CMA.
  • Any exceptions are recorded in a Cataloguer’s note (590).
  • Recall items to check for duplicates only when absolutely necessary.
  • Do NOT place holds on missing, lost or discarded items or those for any branches that have yet to open.

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  • Fill out a recat form:
  • Record the significant digits of the barcode number of all items
  • Record missing, lost, shadowed library, shadowed collection (i.e. Location set to unknown), etc. items but do NOT place holds at this time
  • Place copy level holds for all items attached to the record, using the Place Hold Wizard and Item Search Helper

  • Place holds for User ID: RECATS
  • Set the Pickup point to: EPLZORDER
  • Set the Level to: Copy
  • Set the Range to: Group
  • Click on the box “Make hold first in queue”

  • Enter the item ID or click on the Item Seach icon.

  • A new "Place Hold : Item Search" window will open.
  • Either select an item or enter the Item ID, Title, etc., then click Search then select an item.
  • Click on Place Hold or Place Hold on Selected Item.

  • If you're placing multiple holds, click on Place Another Hold for This User.
  • In Title Mainenance - Modify Title tab:
    • Edit the call number field (092 or 099) of the bibliographic record to show the new call number and make other changes as required (i.e audience fixed field).
    • For new copies, ensure that the 09X call number field of the on-order auto-generated copy has been updated.
  • Place the recat form in the front of one of the recat boxes (on for print and one for AV). Item Entry processors will file in recat box.
  • Items received for recataloguing are distributed to the requesting cataloguer after items are checked out to the RECATS user. Ensure that all items are checked out to the RECATS user while item is in CMA.
  • When each item is received, edit the item record call number field. For volume information, use abbreviations from the table in Cataloguing and Coding for All-Formats, 090 section. Note: if not all copies from a specific Library are received at the same time, or there is a new copy involved, create a new call number record for items with the new call number.
  • If required, update other item record data (e.g. Item Cat1 or Item Cat2).
  • Save your changes.
  • Edit item records as items are received. Obsolete call numbers in item records indicate that labels have not been corrected.
  • Place items on desk of designated Item Entry processor.
  • Processors will check item record (Home Location, Item Cat1 and Item Cat2), update as required, attach labels to items, cross off items as they are relabelled, return the recat form to the recat box, and return the items to the service points. Completed recat forms are held at the incoming materials shelf for 1 month before being discarded.
  • When a Library or collection that has been shadowed is un-shadowed, holds for those items may be placed, allowing a week or two after the re-opening before placing holds. Place holds at intervals over subsequent several weeks.
  • Items retrieved within Milner by the cataloguers for checking or recataloguing purposes are to be checked out to CMA's "recats" card (user ID=RECATS) if an item is kept for more than a day or is being sent on for recataloguing. Items which have been checked out can be returned to the Return bins on the main floor if no longer required.

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4-Month Recats

  • At the end of every month, recat forms that have requests outstanding for 4 months are returned to cataloguers.
  • Try to retrieve the items that are still in the system. If any missing, lost, etc. items are now found, place holds.
  • If the item shows a Current Location of "LOST-ASSUM" for 1 year or less, make sure the hold is still present. If it has been longer, make sure the hold has been removed and place the form in the completed recat forms box.
  • When an item cannot be found, the service point will mark the item missing. After 3 months, they will check the item out to DISCARD. The system will remove discarded items as long as there are no fines or fees outstanding on the item. If a requested item is marked missing, retain the hold against it. If it has been discarded the item is no longer in the collection. Delete the hold and place the recat form in the completed recat forms box.
  • Stamp current date on all cards that are returned to the recat box.

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Revised: June 27, 2023