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Glossary of data fields

 The main Data Fields to be aware of are:

1.  Item Type

2.  Home Location

3.  Item Category 1

4.  Item Category 2


Item Type

  • Determines the loan period

DVD7 (7 day loan period) vs. DVD21 (21 day loan period)

  • Determines the fine rate/level

BOOK vs JBOOK (different fine level for Adult material vs. Juvenile Material

  • Can also be used for statistical analysis such as the Item Type MUSICSCORE - which helps track Musical Score activity.

Note:  For a full list of Item Types Used by EPL please see Staff Web - Unicorn Circulation Maps & Tables - Item Types

 Home Location


  • Every item must have a home location
  • Indicates the location where material is shelved within a library. This helps staff and customers find the correct shelving location
  • Items arrive from Collection Management and Access Division (CMA) with the home location already set (e.g. AVCOLL).  
  • The Home Location only needs to be changed if the item will be shelved in a special, separate collection. To change the Home Location see Edit Copy

Note:  For a complete list of Home locations, see the Staff Web - Unicorn Circulation Maps & Tables  then select Item Types

Item Category 1

  • Indicates an item’s special characteristics.
  • Does not describe an item's shelf location
  • Is used for statistical analysis of collections.  For example, circulation statistics can be collected for all items with Item Cat 1 set to ROMANCE. 

Note:  For a full list of Item Cateory 1 please see Staff Web - Unicorn Circulation Maps & Tables - Item Category 1

Note:  Additions to the list of Item Category 1 may be requested through the Collections

Item Category 2

  • Indicates the item’s reading level.
  • There are three values for this field: ADULT, JUVENILE (includes E), and YA
  • Is used for statistical analysis of collections

Note:  For a full list of Item Cateory 2 please see Staff Web - Unicorn Circulation Maps & Tables - Item Category 2