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Transferring (floating) material to another location

When a branch is experiencing very low levels of material on the shelves or in situations where the shelves are bursting (and there are no other viable options such as weeding, shifting or displays) please email your Assistant Manger.  The Assistant Manager will send an email out, using the  Assistant Managers email group, looking for assistance in either obtaining material or sending material out.  This will ensure that all branches are apprised of the need at the same time and all are equitably participating in meeting needs and responding base on their current branch situation.


Every service point has a card that is to be used to transfer floating material from one service point to another. 

The cards are in the format:




To Transfer Excess Floating Material to another Service Point

When selecting material to send to another service point be consistent in taking items from each shelf of a section.  Ensure that you are not selecting items based on title, condition or circulations (this should have been done first. i.e.. weeding) This is a very quick, non-analyzed pulling from the shelf.  Select randomly or consecutively from the beginning, middle or end of each shelf.

1.  Select CHECKOUT

2.  Choose LOOK UP USER

 3.  Enter the service point code (ex. CSD) and look through the list for the CSD-FLOATTRAN card

4.  Check out the items

5.  Put items in delivery. 

  • Make sure to clearly identify materials as Floating.  This will ensure that the receiving branch will discharge the items to complete the transfer. 


To Receive Transferred Floating Material from another Service Point

1.  Discharge all floating materials identified in your delivery as Floating.

2.  Shelve the materials.


General Information about Floating Collections

  • Customer holds will also help us redistribute floating collections.
  • If your collection shrinks below the needs of your local customers, customers are more likely to place holds, and holds for other locations are less likely to be filled by your reduced collection size
  • Should your collection grow beyond the needs of your local customers they will tend to place fewer holds, they will be more likely to have their holds filled by items on your shelves, and your relatively larger collection is more likely to fill holds to be picked-up at other locations.
  • The movement of materials by customer holds and returns may be an indication of their interest in a particular format or genre.  When faced with a space issue created by our customer interests we can consider it a problem that needs to be corrected (due to the shelving limitations we have chosen) or we could consider it an indication of need that could be met with an internal reallocation of shelving, or additional shelving, for that format or genre.